Personal Message
Chou Tzuyu
Get To Know Me
1999 born taiwanese baby here to brighten up your day, chou tzuyu imnida. you may have seen this lovely face before as I am also a part of the rookie group, twice! yay, so now you better cheer up!
anyyywaaays, I'm not here to bore you with my biography but instead let you know that I'm always free to talk so hmu whenever srsly. i will try and be the nicest person but sometimes either because of you or because of me, it may not work out ;3
oh btw. I am also the cutest baby you'll ever meet yay :)
ok so now stop stalking and start talking yo and let's be friends!
Because I Love You
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pulvinar iaculis lorem ac laoreet. Nunc hendrerit lorem velit, id iaculis dui egestas vel. Proin ligula mi, tincidunt feugiat mauris non, tempus mattis nunc. Aenean tempor mi diam, nec bibendum nibh lacinia sed. Curabitur diam felis, euismod id nibh molestie, facilisis congue odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam sit amet enim a nulla feugiat consequat. Proin mi metus, aliquet sit amet finibus sed, pharetra in sapien. Proin at purus non justo pellentesque sagittis in non magna.
Donec ac nisl sit amet ex egestas ultricies. Sed id pharetra turpis, eu congue diam. Vestibulum in luctus est, a euismod sapien. In ornare rutrum sem, sit amet vestibulum ex euismod eget. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ut finibus tortor. Donec tempus neque lacus, sit amet finibus est maximus vel. Integer lacinia eleifend mollis. Nulla mattis viverra diam eu pellentesque. Etiam cursus condimentum odio sit amet tempus.
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