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AGE / 20
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on a muggy day near the end of summer a baby boy was born to an alcoholic and a druggie. the back of a noodle shop isn't your ideal place to have a baby, but with no proper identification and warrants out for their arrest, they had no choice. choi youngjae was born on september 17, 1996 around 3 in the morning. after waiting some weeks, they smuggled him on a plane to seoul, dissappeared and that's the only thing his aunt will tell him.

growing up in the heart of the suburb, youngjae never got into much trouble during his childhood. he handed in his homework on time, got decent grades, hung out with the right people, and his aut was very pleased with the fine young man he was growing into, despite his hectic first few weeks of life. things only started going horribly wrong when youngjae was walking home from soccer practice late one day and saw something he shouldn't have: a man getting shanked in the stomache and stuffed into the back of a truck. he booked it back home under the impression that no one saw him. he belived he was in the clear for a couple days when a group of men aapproached him just coming out of his soccer practice and gave him an ultimatum; either he committ himself to the BLACK knights, or his aunt's store would fall into some very bad hands.

youngjae felt a whirlwind of emotions. on the one hand, he had done well in staying away from the life that he spent his youth rejecting with every fibre of his being. he didn't want to ruin it in one night. and, on the other hand, he loved his aunt too much to watch her fail. and because of him no less. the obvious decision was the worst one he could ever make. but, he made it and that was that.

out of the positions they offered him, youngjae chose arms dealing because it seemed like the least violent. he could keep his oath to them without feeling like a terrible person and hating himelf while doing it. of course it was a sure thing people would die at the hands of te weapons he dealed, but that was out of youngjae's control. if he had to oversimplify it, it was like selling a knife. regardless of whether they were cutting some nice cherry pie or cutting through human flesh, youngjae's job was to sell the knife and he did just that. how he manages to stay sane with some sense of humor is a mystery even to himself. but, he vowed to get through this in one piece while keeping his aunt safe, and that's exactly what he's trying to do.

youngjae is a pretty chill dude with a calm/lax demeanor. he doesn't freak out when things go wrong and instead tries to search for a solutiont hat will benefit al parties involved. he usually has a firm cap on his anger, but when he does explode, it's ww3. in other words, get the hell out of there and let him calm down. he's also very passionate in most things. his work (despite not having a penchant for it), his hobbies (video games, the guitar, cooking), and ing. because, yeah, he's perpertually and always down for some . he prefers andrough, but that doesn't mean he's incapable of being committed to one person. he just likes spice in life is all.