Personal Message




*Brian Kang
*Student-Vampire, Ashlesia Clan

*Before attending the school, Brian grew up hidden from the outside world. After a family of close friends were slain by hunters his parents vowed to protect him at all costs. They moved to Canada to get a fresh start, but never allowed Brian to come in contact with humans; unless he needed to feed. They still had very strong feelings of hate, and sometimes fear, towards humans. In their minds most humans deserved to suffer and die a painful death. So they killed constantly out of rage. Only sparing a few they deemed worthy and have now befriended. Brian never really approved and only killed when he desperately needed to feed, or when he was provoked and couldn't control himself. 

After years of living like this the Kang family moved back to Korea when Brian took an interest for a school that taught humans and vampires. Wanting to learn and develop his own feelings for humans, he convinces his parents to let him attend. They weren't pleased with the idea, but after the death of his last boyfriend they thought it could cheer him up. 

Personality: Since he lacked in the friendship category before moving back to Korea he's very interested in people. He's ready to talk to and sometimes has a hard time shutting up. He likes to get inside others minds and learn their secrets; being a strong believer of "knowledge is power."  Even though he comes off as care free he has a cold side to him. When he's pushed past his limit he gets very violent due to built up anger from his best friends death. He won't hesitate to attack if he's pissed. He's often very blunt, speaking his mind without concern for how the other will take it.

ual side: He prefers to bottom, but will top if he needs to. He's very , willing to try anything as long as he gets something in return. After causing the death of his boyfriend he stopped getting into serious relationships. He doesn't consider a very meaningful experience anymore so he's not afraid to mess around with people. He'll sleep with anyone that manages to catch his attention, or if he wants something and thinks that's the only way to get it. 


(under con.)