Personal Message

Originally born in New York City, Coin had lived in Beijing since he was 5 with his brother, sister and father. He was usually taken cared of by his older brother, Clyde, since his father was busy at the hospital he had worked at and his sister was usually on the road since she was an actress. Coin loved to sing and dance in front of people but he had a weak heart so he couldn't perform for a long time without feeling horrible right after but that didn't stop him from putting on shows for others. He had started to compete national when he was 10 years old before going onto international competetions when he was 12 years old. About a month before he decided to compete, his father had commited suicide after rumours about him had gone to far and people stopped going to the hospital he had worked at. Him and his siblings had gone to an orphanage that was very posperous and since he didn't know any other family that could take care of all three of them.