



rp reviewer


reviewers portfolio


roleplaying since 2012


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the review shop

apart of the role play review shop. interesting, fun, unbiased and real contructive critism for one day. each day


about me

hello and welcome to my portfolio. i would love to tell you about what i do here. first, let me explain who i am. i'm gently here on rpr. i have been here since december 14 of 2012, so i know a lot trends that started and know my way around a lot of things. i have been role playing for a good while now, and still currently. i teamed up with a nother fellow rpr role player to create a wonderful idea of reviewing roleplays for one day, hence, this review shop. I AM VERY LITERATE, NOT SUPER DUPER PERFECT GRAMMAR, BUT VERY DECENT. WHEN RIEVIEWING, I WILL BE COMPLETELY UBIASED WHEN ROLEPLAYING AND REVIEWING THE ROLEPLAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE VERY INTERESTING. I CAN'T WAIT!

rpr since 2012



currently roleplay in reviewing 00/00/00



personal rp favorites

role play name // Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas sit amet tortor sit amet eros consectetur consequat id a ex.

ROLE PLAY NAME // Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus eget ipsum non tortor bibendum fermentum et porttitor lacus. Proin ac malesuada mauris.

ROLE PLAY NAME // Fusce consectetur sed lacus a ornare. Suspendisse quis risus venenatis quam pulvinar vulputate. Phasellus euismod felis turpis, ut molestie erat malesuada sollicitudin. Praesent posuere fringilla mauris, in egestas nisi malesuada eu.

ROLE PLAY NAME // Etiam eget nisi mollis, tristique nisl id, dictum nulla. Nulla a mi quis nibh fringilla hendrerit. Morbi rutrum accumsan mi, et fringilla sem pellentesque non.

updated 00/00/00