Personal Message





25 y/o





about me!

Looking at Lee Jaehwan, a tall man with a delicate face, and a sort of delicate face. Some think he's a cold man, a man with little words and not often smiles, and some think his pretty face is all a facade. However, Jaehwan may be one of the most gentlest men you have ever met. He's sweet, he's generous, and he's funny and loveable. There isn't another like Jaehwan that will treat you like a precious thing, as he finds value in all life. He does not hurt anything, not even flies. Some say he's over dramatic, others say he's strong, and some say he's a wimp.

Jaehwan has just always been like this. Ever since he was a kid, ever since he was a child in elementary school and he would cry and scream when the other boys would stomp on the ants and eat them. Jaehwan refused to eat meat, and refused to eat anything from an animal. The boys who ate the ants as children beat him up as preteens, and continuing on when he was a teenager. Jaehwan had been the tall, lanky kid, up until he had found a sport that kept him active but had no violence: swimming.

Some would say Jaehwan was a fish out of water. He loved swimming, and he got the body one would expect from it. Being the star boy of his team, straight A+ student, they would not have expected this perfect boy to go into a job like teaching. It was Jaehwan's dream to teach the new generation, and his gentle nature had fit this part perfectly.

And Jaehwan went from a little skinny boy getting beaten up, star swimmer and ace student, to being the best Kindergarten teacher this town had ever seen.

3rd POV




character [ where ]


character [ where ]


character [ where ]


character [ where ]


character [ where ]





title here

Vestibulum euismod arcu in ultrices scelerisque. Nulla sagittis aliquam ex, at semper leo rutrum non. Cras ac tortor eu mauris tempor gravida et et risus. Integer at venenatis risus. Quisque lacinia turpis commodo dolor vehicula lobortis. Phasellus iaculis dapibus purus nec dictum. Etiam venenatis, purus eget fermentum aliquet, est erat mollis erat, id bibendum augue est sed felis. Morbi quis ullamcorper metus.

: // status, rating, genre, etc.

title here

In rutrum ante eget tincidunt imperdiet. Aliquam efficitur, dui quis facilisis pulvinar, libero erat tempor massa, viverra tempor nunc neque sit amet mi. Quisque dapibus metus odio. Quisque a mauris diam. Aenean eu finibus leo. Nulla eu lorem a leo varius elementum. Nulla ut dapibus metus, vitae vestibulum mi.

: // status, rating, genre, etc.

title here

Sed vestibulum orci eget dictum ultricies. Curabitur malesuada quam ac lorem placerat maximus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque nisi lacus, varius eget ipsum et, scelerisque rutrum erat. Etiam in hendrerit velit. Pellentesque erat arcu, mollis quis erat ultrices, mattis pharetra arcu.

: // status, rating, genre, etc.

title here

Maecenas aliquam lacus eu sem finibus consectetur. Sed euismod, urna ac semper mollis, ex nisi auctor neque, non euismod risus tellus nec lacus. Integer lectus lectus, ullamcorper ut placerat id, vehicula dictum felis. Nulla laoreet felis eu ligula placerat luctus. Nullam ut turpis mauris. Fusce vitae mauris vestibulum, aliquet velit blandit, vestibulum risus. Nunc malesuada varius maximus. Phasellus et justo sem. Curabitur in vehicula nibh, a scelerisque ex.

: // status, rating, genre, etc.


out of character


001 Aenean a enim lectus.

002 Fusce a cursus nisi. Vestibulum porttitor lorem sit amet hendrerit facilisis.

003 Duis congue sem eu purus pretium euismod.

004 Suspendisse lectus arcu, vulputate id consequat sit amet, consectetur sit amet nunc.

005 Aenean elementum ullamcorper sollicitudin.

006 Nulla nec ipsum pulvinar, facilisis felis eu, dictum nisi.



rooms (80%)


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detailed script / action (40%)


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multi-paragraph (90%)


novella (40%)