Personal Message

Choi Jinri


It was unheard of for a child to adopt their mother's maiden name as a surname, but given that Choi was a well-to-do, older wizarding family, Jinri's parents decided that the name would provide her protection from others.  Her mother came from the proud pureblooded Choi family, while her father was a muggle.  The couple fell in love during their time at Hogwarts and soon after their graduation, would marry.

Jinri's birth followed soon after, she would be the first half-blood in the Choi family.  The family had strictly opposed her mother's marriage with a muggle but after overcoming several difficult obstacles and her mother's sheer stubbornness, they finally agreed.  They believed that those who were purebloods would be far more powerful than those of mixed blood.  And so, with Jinri being a half-blood they kept a close eye on her.

Needless to say, growing up and trips to the main CHoi estate would be difficult because of her judgemental family members.  Her cousins were ruthless in calling her weak and pathetic.  Unable to get along with her cousins, Jinri would often hide in the library of the main estate and read through every book to confirm whether she was truly a weak witch.  In the process, she ended up reading every single book in that library before she was enrolled in Hogwarts.


Ut sit amet posuere lacus, eu eleifend lacus. Morbi suscipit porttitor suscipit. Phasellus sapien dolor, ultrices nec orci id, suscipit rhoncus enim. Praesent lacinia nulla eu neque finibus efficitur. Vivamus massa lectus, convallis non magna quis, tristique dapibus dui. Vestibulum in leo orci. Nunc ornare tortor a mollis lacinia. Vestibulum magna felis, dictum a velit non, luctus pulvinar massa.




Aliquam ante libero, viverra ut nulla sit amet, congue fringilla eros. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus sit amet sodales nisi. Mauris vestibulum eros tellus, sit amet bibendum velit lacinia vitae. Curabitur laoreet metus est, vitae ullamcorper magna accumsan tempus. Curabitur vel ex ut ex porttitor rutrum vitae et ex. Nullam ipsum enim, blandit in mattis eu, suscipit et ante.


me & you

00 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

00 Morbi eget neque ut nibh pulvinar rutrum.

00 Vestibulum bibendum, elit ac hendrerit vulputate, nulla odio aliquam eros, sit amet sollicitudin mi velit in purus.

00 Maecenas tristique mollis purus vitae lacinia. Duis ex purus, aliquet quis venenatis faucibus, tempor quis massa.

00 Praesent ex nunc, facilisis quis erat nec, gravida tincidunt justo. Nam gravida, libero ornare rhoncus luctus, mi diam eleifend nulla, feugiat imperdiet sapien sapien eget arcu.

00 Suspendisse sagittis enim consectetur, faucibus ex at, tempor felis.

00 Mauris est erat, tempus nec fringilla id, hendrerit ac orci.


out of character

Title / Proin quis ante tempor ex rhoncus sodales ac nec velit. Integer laoreet at velit vel malesuada. Nulla malesuada, nisi vulputate blandit lacinia, sapien augue elementum nulla, eu facilisis nibh lacus at risus. + status, genre, rating, etc.

Title / Aenean aliquet porta nisi, non tristique lorem lacinia at. Nulla facilisi. Cras quam sem, ultrices vitae scelerisque dapibus, hendrerit in ante. + status, genre, rating, etc.

Title / Nullam porttitor, mauris ut molestie varius, ex est luctus sem, quis posuere massa arcu ac elit. Fusce justo orci, volutpat at lectus ac, mattis placerat lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc sit amet odio odio. Praesent feugiat dapibus nisi, ut euismod leo suscipit a. + status, genre, rating, etc.




icons / friends





3rd year





character / status...

character / status...

character / status...

character / status...

character / status...

character / status...
