Personal Message

Scarlett Leithold 


Alias: Maraudersgirl

Timezone: gmt +1

POV: 1st / 3ed


I LOVE HP and roleplaying, so this rp is perfect for me <3

unfortunatly I am quiet busy these days so replying might take some time.




Full Name: Scarlett Rose Leithold

Nickname: Lettie, Letta, Scar, Rosie

Birthdate: 03011997

Gender: female

Blood Status: Part-Human (1/4 Veela)




Education: currently attending Hogwarts
Occupation: student

Living arrangement: dorm life ;p

House: huffelpuff





ual Orientation: panual

Martial Status: single

Significant Other:maybe you?




Ethnicity: German/English

Hometown: London

Parents: Anne Leithold (mother) Alastair Leithold (father)

Siblings: Louis (14, brother), Victoria (16, sister)

Children: xxxxxxxxx

Pets: a pure white cat named Silver




Zodiac Sign: pisces

Strenghts: compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle,wise, musical

Weaknesses: fearful, overly trusting,sad, desire to escape reality, can be overly emotional/sensitive

Likes: being alone, sleeping,music, romance,swimming, coffee

Dislikes: Know-it-all, being critizized, the past coming back to haunt,cruelty of any kind

Hobbies: drawing, reading, diy



Wood: Pear Wood

Core: unicorn hair

size: 9 3/4

other: slightly springy felxebility





Form: Wolf

Other: People with a wolf for a patronus tend to revere individualism , but retain a predominant sense of family. Wolf as a totem presents all forms of sociability, and the need of variety ( in internal and external affairs) to remain healthy. Wolf is strong smybol of loyalty and patience. Wolf medicine is deeply rooted in the importance of of learning through teaching, new ideas, freedom of mind and body, and responsebilty for self and others.


Scarlett is from Germany. Her Grandmother was a veela (orgin from france) that married a wizard and together they had three handsome sons and one beautiful daughter named Anne. One day Anne travelled through Germany where she met the charming half english pureblood wizard Alastair Leithold. With his shoulder lenght wavy dark blond hair, the croocked smile, a sharp jaw line and sparkling grey blue eyes. The two of them found themselves soon falling for each other. And after only a year of dating they got married and soon after had their first daughter, Scarlett Rose Leithold. Being quarter veela, Scarlett was giftited with such special physical features such as the long silvery blond hair, piercing grey blue eyes, straight nose and full rosy lips as well as her light figure. In other words, Scarlett is often being described as striking.

But being even part veela is difficult. There are many people around that are often found to be offended by the nature of veelas and therefore often subject them to discrimination. They often outcast them, deny them jobs, or force certain roles and believes upon them. They get judged harder and whispers seem to follow them wherever they go. And Scarlett, even though she is only ¼ Veela, has to face such struggles.

Growing up Scarlett in lived in a city in the south west of Germany called Ludwigsburg. There they lived in a beautiful two story house with a large garden in a nice muggle neighborhood. In fact, Scarlett and her siblinsg even attended kindergarden and primary school there. There wasn't a day where tthey couldn't be found having a adventure or playing with the children in the neighborhood. The Leithold family was very respected and liked there. Yes, Lettie had a beautiful childhood that one could compare to that of a storybook of old.

But then once she turned 11 her parents moved to all the way to England, thanks to a job offer her father had received there. It was hard on Scarlett and she had troubles settling in. She missed her friends, her school, her old home. The food was different, the language hard to understand, the menatlity of people seemed different and at the school she was attending she immediatly was labled a outcast. Her beauty set her off, made other girls jealous and boys pine for her attention. She hated it and often wished she could turn invisible. Those years shaped her greatly and formed her into who she is today. She learned what loyalty meant. What it meant to be brave, to stand up for yourself, fight for your dreams and what true friendship and family meant. It molded her all in the person she is today.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lacus ante, hendrerit nec venenatis at, pellentesque eget dui. In at orci diam. Morbi metus purus, elementum vitae iaculis vel, eleifend sed nisl. Nam a ante elementum, consectetur est eu, auctor nibh. Cras id malesuada ligula. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum erat, ut commodo magna imperdiet ut. Vestibulum eros est, facilisis quis sapien eget, pulvinar feugiat mi. Maecenas cursus dapibus dui accumsan ultricies. Curabitur varius luctus lorem vel suscipit. Donec orci mi, dictum sit amet egestas vitae, faucibus quis urna. Fusce nec vestibulum quam. Quisque fringilla metus sit amet tortor luctus dapibus. Ut eleifend accumsan faucibus. Donec vitae nisl hendrerit, mollis sapien dictum, pulvinar sapien. Vestibulum laoreet urna vel nisl consectetur hendrerit.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lacus ante, hendrerit nec venenatis at, pellentesque eget dui. In at orci diam. Morbi metus purus, elementum vitae iaculis vel, eleifend sed nisl. Nam a ante elementum, consectetur est eu, auctor nibh. Cras id malesuada ligula. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum erat, ut commodo magna imperdiet ut. Vestibulum eros est, facilisis quis sapien eget, pulvinar feugiat mi. Maecenas cursus dapibus dui accumsan ultricies. Curabitur varius luctus lorem vel suscipit. Donec orci mi, dictum sit amet egestas vitae, faucibus quis urna. Fusce nec vestibulum quam. Quisque fringilla metus sit amet tortor luctus dapibus. Ut eleifend accumsan faucibus. Donec vitae nisl hendrerit, mollis sapien dictum, pulvinar sapien. Vestibulum laoreet urna vel nisl consectetur hendrerit.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lacus ante, hendrerit nec venenatis at, pellentesque eget dui. In at orci diam. Morbi metus purus, elementum vitae iaculis vel, eleifend sed nisl. Nam a ante elementum, consectetur est eu, auctor nibh. Cras id malesuada ligula. Curabitur dapibus vestibulum erat, ut commodo magna imperdiet ut. Vestibulum eros est, facilisis quis sapien eget, pulvinar feugiat mi. Maecenas cursus dapibus dui accumsan ultricies. Curabitur varius luctus lorem vel suscipit. Donec orci mi, dictum sit amet egestas vitae, faucibus quis urna. Fusce nec vestibulum quam. Quisque fringilla metus sit amet tortor luctus dapibus. Ut eleifend accumsan faucibus. Donec vitae nisl hendrerit, mollis sapien dictum, pulvinar sapien. Vestibulum laoreet urna vel nisl consectetur hendrerit.