

16 years old, sixth year

single, hetero


about me.
Jung Soojung was born in San Francisco, California to an influential pure-blood family (who were known to support Lord Voldemort until his demise wherein they retreated to somewhere unknown). She later moved to Korea for family reasons. She is a sixth year Slytherin student in Hogwarts. She was once known to be quite nasty to mudbloods during her first year but has since become non-hostile to them after realizing that they're not all that bad. Her mudblood friends ("acquaintances" she calls them) are kept a secret from her family as her father has a deep hate for mudbloods.

Soojung has a knack for breaking the rules, and a talent for getting out of sticky situations. She grew up spoiled, so expect her to act a bit spoiled every now and then- especially when things don't go her way. Her mind is practically impenetrable since she is studying occlumency. At times she is deep in her thoughts.

You will most likely find her in the library since she takes her studies very seriously and does whatever it takes to pass, even if it means giving up sleep just to study. She will come off as a at first but really, what Slytherin doesn't? But just wait and see, and maybe, just maybe, you'll see a bit of warmness peek through the ice.

ooc and plots.
OOC is a college sophomore so please bear with slow replies. Timezone is GMT+8.

Plot title | you were everything 
Male/female | malle
Genres | drama 
Availibility | open
Soojung once dated a fellow student a few years back wherein she got her heart broken in the end.