Personal Message








Calvin is the type of kid that has no idea of what he's doing in life or where he is going. He hates being a senior, because that means graduation is coming soon. Which means he'll have to become an adult. And, then he'll be lost.  School life is easy; it's predictable. But, graduation is like 'Now what do I do?" He's not one for school work, but does pretty given the lck of actual effort. He likes video games. He's into drawing, photography, painting, and acting. He loves travelling and loves Europe. He plays guitar and piano. He makes Vaporwave music. He likes anime, but won't admit it. He wears fake glasses, just like most hipsters do. He's thin as a rail (with the exception on his chubby baby face), despite eating any and everything. He's a caffiene addict, all hopped on coffe, mountain dew, and energy drinks. He believes sleep is for the weak. He also likes experimenting with substances.

He lives with his mom, and step dad. He gets treated pretty badly by both of them. Or sometimes ignored. Calvin a pet cat that he loves dearly. He loves going to cafes to hang around and going to take photos. He is interested in conspiracy theories and crepy internet unsolved mysteries. He's into the paranormal. He loves checking out haunted places. He also djs at clubs and stuff. He likes walks in the woods. He's an interesting individual. Sometimes social and cool and chill, other times so so shy, and other times he's cunning and manipulative to make people thing he's warm and friendly. He loves tumblr.