
Full name: Teppei Koike
From: solo
Age: 19
Position: switch
Master or butler: Master
Personality: Is an happy and naive guy , who trust to much in people , how believe that everyone is good , even if they arenot.
Bio: He grewn up in a small city near Tokyo , Yokohama. His parents were busy every time and he was forced to live with his grandparents in a very dangerous place. He prove himself very smart when it comes to study , a clear and analytic mind , but on the streets , he always got punch by the other guys. Above all of this , he still believe in "human kind ".After a while his grandmother died because of an disease and the grandfather left him alone , being too sad to let someone to see him . Alone and sad his friend taught him to sing at guitar and they have formed a band . Unfortunately his friend died in a car accident. Right now he is staying in a big house , is sad and hurt inside . He is trying to hide the painwith smile and jokes. He still believe in people. He will always believed in them.
Ideal butler: A confident guy with a good heart, a protector and a support, full of life.