Personal Message

Name: Woo Seunghyun (Kevin)
Age: 25
Group: U-Kiss (former)
Master/kitty: Kitty
Occupation: bartender
full time student, university

Shy, cute, submissive, innocent, occasionally niave, but , likes to bake and cook, plays music, dances. Has energy to play with, needs love and attention. He has a little brother he would do anything for


Likes: sweets, including fruit, healthy food, swimming, playing, all kinds of clothes, shopping, cuddling, watching movies (not horror)

Dislikes: spicy or fried food, octopus, rain, being alone


Adopted! By Yunho his now master. him and his mate are both glad to have a new master and mate. Add in brother Jun and then babies Jinho and Inhui.
Type of cat: maincoon blonde striped.

Jun:Maincoon black, tiny little fluffball. Adorable and so sweet.