For awhile you'll be sad
once you know that
you will die
Jung daehyun
martial art styles - taekwondo, silat, wu shu (she quan), bai ji quan, pi qua quan, karate (original), krav maga, systema, eskrima.

weapons used - swords, throwing knives, brass knuckles, rattan (for eskrima), karambit, bow staff, sai's, pistol (desert eagle and colt .32), snipers (as50 and barett .50 cal).
basic information

full name: jung daehyun
nickname: dae
date of birth: june 28th, 1993
age: 23
orientation: why don't you find out?
relationship status: single 
position: hitman/black martet dealer
height: 5'11"
eye color: blue-ish grey

other information:
mood: you
listening to: dean - put my hands on you
watching: everyone
eating: you
my personality? ha. my personality is something that isn't exactly... pleasant to a lot of people. if i like you, which is rare, then i won't think about killing you at any given second. i love to bring peoples spine to a shiver, whether if it's out of fear of lust. pick your poison. usually, i'm cold, an , not exactly caring what you think about me. hate me? good, i hate you too. i really don't give a about anyone unless you're special to me, which again, is the rarest case ever. so, i bid you good luck with me. you'll need it.
It wasn't like Daehyun had grown up in a bad neighborhood with no money. It wasn't like he had an extremely abusive childhood. It wasn't like he didn't go to school and not have friends or anyone to talk to. It was the complete opposite really. Daehyun's parents had a great amount of money, but they had just chose to live in a normal sized home to save money. Daehyun attended a regular school, an art school in fact for his singing and drawing. Even on the side he had taken a few self defense classes to release his stress from school. Yet, there was one thing that was a little off about his personal life. His parents. His parents had acted like as if he was non-existent. They would forget his name, act like they could never really hear his voice unless they had chosen too. It was like they cared more about their jobs than their own son. Well, Daehyun had eventually gotten used to it even if deep down inside he truly hated it. Daehyun had soon started to hang around the wrong crowd. He wasn't with them all of the time, but whenever he was, they would either be stealing or doing dealings- well, daehyun would just watch on the sidelines. His friends were concerned of daehyun, not wanting him to change into a different person, but what they didn't know was that daehyun already had. Instead of that bright blue they knew in love, it greyed out a little, the look on his eyes nearly always dark. He almost always looked sad or angry at this point. It wasn't long until he had snapped. he never noticed it until someone had began to yell in his face. it was a regular night, out with two of his friends, a small altercation had ran through the three of them and daehyun was the main target. Daehyun just simply accidentally brushed past this man and everything had escalated. daehyun had grown this murderous glint in his eyes, punching the male in the chest hard enough to stop his heart beat for a few seconds, it soon turned into him continuously slamming his foot down on his chest until the bone structure had caved in. daehyun felt fresh. it was a new feeling for him. the blood made him smile, like his frustrations had flown out the window. Later on that day, daehyun had came back to his home, his parents panicking as they seen daehyun with blood on his feet and face. His mother was screaming and asking if he was okay, touching him and caressing him with tear filled eyes. It was a different feeling for Daehyun. For once, for once he actually felt like he existed to them. Yet, something had washed over Daehyun. Did they really ever care? Why are they doing this now? Why haven't they done this when he really needed him? Daehyun's eyes quickly shock a glare at his mother, shoving her down to the ground as if she was nothing. his father had quickly defended her, pushing daehyun as well but daehyun retaliated with a strong punch to his nose. "WHY ARE YOU CARING NOW?! AFTER THE YEARS OF YOU TWO /S/ IGNORING YOUR OWN CHILD, YOU KNOW CARE FOR ME WHEN YOUR LOVED DAEHYUN IS LONG GONE?! HA! NO WONDER PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE SAVED!" daehyun shouted, his eyes nearly bloodshot from the tears that had threatened to leave his eyes. it then dawned on him. no. he can't waste a single tear on people who have never cared for him. it was almost an impulse. something was screaming for him to pick up something sharp. kill. something. daehyun rushed to the kitchen, his dilated eyes looking around for a pack of knives- something. it wasn't long until he had found a knife to his liking. it was nice width and it was sharp enough to go clean through someone- daehyun turned around, ready to return to his parents until he already locked eyes with a fearful mother. "daehyun. if you don't put that knife down i'll call the police immediately-" that translated as a challenge to daehyun. call the police? fine. it was so quick. daehyun's father was on the ground, the blade pressed against his skin as his mother stood shaking next to him. "CALL THE POLICE! DO IT! AND SEE IF I WON'T ING KILL YOU FOR DOING SUCH A CARELESS THING /FATHER/." Daehyun then stabbed down, the end of the blade going deep into the wooden floor next to his fathers head. Daehyun gotten up and off of the other, looking down at him with dark, heartless eyes. "If you both /ever/ report this, i promise you that i will hunt you both down. i don't care if you birthed me or not. i want you to feel the neglect that i have been feeling for years, by leaving you both. now. it wasn't long until daehyun had left his home, bringing none of his belongings but his phone and a special ring. this was the start of his new side, starting something that he would never be able to get out of.
my lover
if you ever get here, you're special and i will cherish you forever.
friends »
PLOT 1 – Vivamus vel nisi ut diam interdum pretium ut ac odio. Nam odio lectus, egestas a aliquam condimentum, laoreet id nibh. Nunc blandit tortor mauris, ac efficitur enim semper sagittis. Maecenas vitae sodales mi, vel efficitur dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean tempus felis ac nunc fringilla, eu bibendum leo blandit. Donec euismod erat mauris, nec tempor urna vestibulum a. Sed sit amet nunc ullamcorper, viverra ante non, vulputate dui.

PLOT 2 – Vivamus vel nisi ut diam interdum pretium ut ac odio. Nam odio lectus, egestas a aliquam condimentum, laoreet id nibh. Nunc blandit tortor mauris, ac efficitur enim semper sagittis. Maecenas vitae sodales mi, vel efficitur dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean tempus felis ac nunc fringilla, eu bibendum leo blandit. Donec euismod erat mauris, nec tempor urna vestibulum a. Sed sit amet nunc ullamcorper, viverra ante non, vulputate dui.

PLOT 1 – Vivamus vel nisi ut diam interdum pretium ut ac odio. Nam odio lectus, egestas a aliquam condimentum, laoreet id nibh. Nunc blandit tortor mauris, ac efficitur enim semper sagittis. Maecenas vitae sodales mi, vel efficitur dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean tempus felis ac nunc fringilla, eu bibendum leo blandit. Donec euismod erat mauris, nec tempor urna vestibulum a. Sed sit amet nunc ullamcorper, viverra ante non, vulputate dui.
ooc corner
yo... under co.