Personal Message

temp bio

name: Bang Yongguk
d.o.b: March 31st, 1990 - 27 years old
orientation: heteroual
gang: deals with the siren gang
positions: dirty cop
occupation: officer of the law 
- archetypal douche without a cause 
- born with a golden spoon shoved so far down his throat, he never struggled 
- life was bland, despite being able to buy anything and everything he wanted.
- his mother abandoned him when he was 2, he continued to live on with his father and his countless mistresses.
- he was always let down during the most important moments of his life 
- he's been paying the other officers in the district
- justice is defined by those with power, and to him, money equals power.
- he finds that the other people, the societal pool in general cannot comprehend what he can and as such should not be upheld as equals. 
- he deems himself superior and usually avoid any and all interactions with other people unless necessary 
- his big 4 in life: money, alcohol, nicotine and women
- ill tempered and violent