

Jeon Jungkook
Airship Architect



Full Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 20
Status: Single

Family Status: Upperclass
Residence: Market Chipping
Occupation: Airship Architect | Military


- Since he was young, Jungkook developed a natural talent for spatial reasoning, speech, and mathematics. It was no wonder then that when he was finally old enough to choose an occupation, his parents were shocked to find out that he wished to become an airship architect instead of their successor in the bustling housing industry. To imagine that their son would not continue their business had never occurred to them -- or even if it did, then they had never considered it to become reality -- but it was thanks to Jungkook's verbal charisma and physical appeal that convinced them that scheming and constructing the layouts and mechanisms of airships, a component vital in the age of wars, was his duty to the crown (and, of course, would gain their family favor from the nobility and royalty).

- Due to his extreme interest in engineering and art and in learning in general, Jungkook had grown to become extremely gifted and skilled in his field especially for his age, yet he never really considered himself to be a genius but rather just a very dedicated architect. 

- Due to his upperclass family status, his family lives in Kingsbury but he lives alone in a very nice, two-story house in Market Chipping.



- Adventurous: People normally associate architects with nerdiness or bad social skills, yet Jungkook is anything but that. Because of his social nature, he instead spends a great deal of his free time weaving in and out throughout the city and between different towns, having a grand time meeting different people and conversing with anybody and everybody. Jungkook is also very fond of nature, enjoying the wilderness and the beach and any place he can learn and discover new things.


- Charismatic: Gifted with confidence and natural speaking skills, Jungkook can be extremely witty and clever, especially when someone catches his eye. Many times he can come off as overly confident and arrogant, but in most cases, he does so purposely for the fun of seeing other people's reactions.


- Diligent: He's very focused when it comes to his work, and his concentration is superb. He can practice for a notably long period of time, but of course it eventually takes as toll on his body and mind as well


- Mysterious: Given the nature of his position in the military, Jungkook is sealed to secrecy when it comes to his job. As a result, he may suddenly vanish from the town for repeated periods in time ranging from several days to several weeks and possibly even up to two months depending on the peace of the kingdom and the project he's been assigned to work on. Yet every time he returns, he acts as if nothing has changed and just goes on with life as he had left it, always declining to disclose the reason behind his disappearance.


Character | Location 
Elitr dolore prompta duo id, etiam diceret et quo, quis tollit detracto at nec. Ius enim apeirian insolens et, periculis oce burreret voluptaria ei sea.

Character | Location
Ei per nulla prompta, mundi explicari eam ex. Mentitum consectetuer id nec. Eam nostrud insolens necessitatibus ad, assum prompta erroribus id mel.

Character | Location
Duo putent eligendi ei, ius ad partem menandri inimicus.


Timezone: GMT -5
Writing Preferences: 3rd, semi-para/para, good grammar

Pet Peeves;

- Giggling/Aegyo/Cutesy Gestures
- Half-hearted replies 
- Excessive grammar and spelling errors
- Super short replies
- Make me do all the plotting/brainstorming 
- Give me uninterested or boring responses when plotting or rping

Please do not poke me until 4 days have passed. Other than that, I'm honestly a really friendly pereson, and these are just pet peeves that I wanted say to avoid any conflict in the future. Thank you for reading though, and feel free to ask me to rp if you're okay with these points!



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