Personal Message

Nam Woohyun
Age: 26
Diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociation Identity Disorder.
Nam Woohyun was once a well-known name to the public. He was a poet and singer, weaving lyrical prose and enchanting everyone with his melodious voice. Woohyun had been loved far and wide, and as a artist, he worked hard to return that love to his fans. He and his identical twin brother, Nam Joohyun, were both orphans and had been in the same orphanage since a few months after they were born. They never knew their parents, they only knew that their parents didn't have the money to raise them; too deep in debt and poverty, and had to hope for the best for the brothers by giving them a chance to find another home. However, no one had ever adopted them, or if they did, they were returned to the orphanage quickly. At the age of 18, their orphanage had to let them go, many of their caretakers looking upon them sadly as they packed up for a life outside of the only home they had known. With much difficulty, they'd rented a room, Woohyun rising up the ladder as a famed singer, Joohyun crafting bouquets as a floral arranger. For those 6 years, they were happy. However, that temporary bliss was shattered when Woohyun received a call from the same hospital he's now in. They had called to inform him that Nam Joohyun had died in a serious car accident while he was delivering flowers. That was the turning point in Woohyun's life. The moment when everything came crashing down, because Nam Woohyun had now lost everything, the only thing in his life.
All POVs, Semi-para to Para, Casual & Detailed
pw: atrium


profile not complete but take note that woohyun has 5 personalities in his disorder: Nam Woohyun, Woohyun (basically he still calls himself woohyun here but he acts different), Hyun, Nam Joohyun, and another one I have not yet named.

The most drastic or violent ones are his 2nd personality when he calls himself Woohyun, and the unamed one. 

Hyun will be pretty meek, quiet and shy.

Joohyun is basically his brother's personality. And his normal personality is very bright, playful, and flirty.