Personal Message
❝ i tried to go hiking once. it was night time and i passed out from coughing too much. but for a second i felt like i could fly.❞

Eunseo was born as a premature baby. early on the doctors already knew she would have health issues, maybe asthma at best and a whole list of other issues at worst. what ended up happening was an early diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.

As she grew up, eunseo became used to the constant treatments, being in and out of the hospital, thousands of pills and procedures she had to go through morning day and night. at 18, her lung function has only gotten worse and it came to the point where even breathing was taking more calories than she could put in to her body. as they were evaluating her for a feeding tube, the doctor made the grim decision that her lung function was rapidly decreasing - faster than they had anticipated - and she would need to be put on a lung transplant list. which has landed her here.

And as if things couldn't get any worse, she's been diagnosed with an immuno deficiency disorder, making it so much harder for her to have a normal life. but then again, eunseo's been calling the hospital home for so long now, it almost feels normal. 


though many people look at eunseo's face and see a sweet girl, it's actually a little more than that. at face value she's kind, not very rude to strangers, raised right by her mother and father and her older brother (now a doctor at the hospital she's staying in) but she's got her sassy quirks. 

Sarcasm is her favourite language and adventure is her mother tongue. despite her physical limitations, eunseo has big dreams. she wants to travel the world, wants to climb a mountain. she loves telling bad jokes and making people laugh. 

one would say she's eager to make new friends, but there's also a fear in her personality. a fear that whoever she befriends will leave her once they realize how sick she is. and in the hospital, she's afraid of getting too close to anyone out of fear that they or she will die. this makes eunseo a "flight risk" as her mother calls it. commitment is not in Eunseo's vocabulary and she'll choose to run once things get tough.  


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

what's it feel like to climb a mountain?
❝ insert an iconic quote but keep it to two to four lines. labore et dolore magna aliqua. ❞
❝ insert an iconic quote but keep it to two to four lines. labore et dolore magna aliqua. ❞
❝ insert an iconic quote but keep it to two to four lines. labore et dolore magna aliqua. ❞
❝ insert an iconic quote but keep it to two to four lines. labore et dolore magna aliqua. ❞

+Son Eunseo 
+ 18
+ Patient
+Not being able to breathe was something that Eunseo was getting used to. Waking up and having to cough until she threw up, headaches from the sinus disease associated with her illness, losing weight just from her body trying to breathe. It had never been really bad, but it was getting worse the older she got, just like any patient with a chronic illness. Cystic Fibrosis was something Eunseo had been born with. She'd been premature. It'd taken all but one week to realize that on top of having to fight for her life as an early new born, she was going to have to fight to breathe for her whole life. There is nothing glamorous about having lungs that don't work. There is nothing to be glorified about walking up two stairs and needing to stop because she's so breathless. Eunseo spends most of her time watching her favourite group, Red Queen, performing, and encouraging their hoobaes, wishing that she could be like them, that she could sing and dance without having to stop to choke on her own lungs. Sometimes she can barely walk and breathe at the same time. It's frustrating, and now she's in the hospital because of a lung transplant she needs. But just when they thought they were going to change one illness, she was diagnosed with an immuno deficiency disorder and now it feels like she's stuck here for good. 
+third or detailed first 
+gmt -4