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⚣ k。 donghyun ✓ [A] 2 minutes ago Reply

@⚣ k。 hyungsoo ✘ /clears my throat and steps toward you, pressing my chest to yours, then brushes my palm over your stomach down toward your thighs; maintaining eye contact with you, I gently ghost my fingertips over your clothed thigh/ like that- Dhyungsoo?


Hate looks like everybody else until it smiles. - Tahereh Mafi



I was five years old when the world went to hell. I had no idea what was going on, but there were sirens and yelling, constant fighting between my parents. For days and nights, my mother would be in tears, my father trying to convince her of sending me off to live with my grandparents. It took a long time before she finally gave in, and they packed all of my belongings into a single bag. My mother was crying when they sent me off on the train from Seoul to Busan. I just didn't understand why I had to go. Before an attendant came and shoved me onto the train, my mother took my hands in hers, kissed the tears from my cheeks, and promised that when all of this was over, she'd come find me again. She promised we'd see each other after hell broke loose and settled. To this day, I still hold onto that promise.

When I moved in with my grandparents, things were so different. I was doted on, day in and day out. I think they wanted to make sure I made it out of this hellhole alive, especially with what was going on in Seoul. Needless to say, I never really learned anything for myself. They cooked for me, they did my laundry, and if they even sent me to school, they probably would have done that work for me, too.

Then came the shelters. Because we were in Busan, further from the mess in Seoul, the fallout shelters were a lot less cramped than the ones I had heard about. We had a lot more supplies, though there were a lot more children. I was the oldest out of the children in the shelter, at a whopping seven years old, and so I used the only skill I had to help calm the kids. I sang. For days and nights, when the sirens would wail for whatever reason it was, I would sing to the crying kids. Hell, I think I even calmed their parents. We were down there for so long, and halmeoni was getting more and more sick. She was the first to pass away, and halabeoji followed shortly after. I still held onto the hope that I would find my parents when the world got better, but little did I know that I was absolutely alone now that my grandparents were gone.

When we could finally leave, I was sixteen, and the world was different. Even though Busan wasn't as close to Seoul as other large cities, there was a lot of damage. Everything was a lot more dull, despite the world finally being... righted. I scrounged for work to get by, singing at local pubs and bars... wherever they wanted help from someone who couldn't do anything but sing. I stayed in Busan for eight years, and when I was twenty-four, I decided to head back to my roots. Determined to find my parents, I went against the flow and headed back on a train to Seoul.

I searched high and low for four years, yet I couldn't find my parents. It made sense: I was older now, so much different than the five year old they had sent of so many years before. It wasn't until I came to Feel, where I got a solid job. When I first walked in, though, I was met with the barrel of a gun. The local bartender, Donghyun, deemed I wasn't exactly safe.

That's when it all kicked off. We were friends, we got close. Knowing him for years hasn't changed anything, except for when the government decided to dictate things. We decided to play off like we were engaged, so that we wouldn't be shoved together with someone we didn't want to be with. Things could go wrong, but if we just stuck together... At least it would be a good different. We signed the papers, and we became each other's significant other. For a while, it was all fine and dandy. We went along with whatever it was we needed to, and it was fine until circumstances changed.

I didn't realize I was in love with him, truly in love with him, until I thought it was too late. I thought I was going to lose him, and I hadn't been able to tell him I love him. But once he came back to me, it felt like I could finally say it to him. I was so afraid that he wouldn't love me, but to my surprise he did. He does. We're married now, and I'm never going to let him go. Ten years, ten years with him, and I'm so madly in love with him. He's the most beautiful, the most charming man in my life. I can't wait to lead a life with him, to have a family, to grow old with him. I love him, more than anything. He is my wold, he is my everything.

Thank you, Kim Donghyun, for loving me. I am nothing without you.


36 y/o

lounge singer


kim donghyun

jan 22nd



We loved each other, before the world went to . But within the chaos, we lost each other. I was paired, and when you wanted to find me, I had already been engaged. You want to rekindle the past, but I do not. You are very adamant about being with me, despite what the world has chosen for us already. [Can decide to be friends in the end].

You were a child who I met in Busan. I often had to comfort you through the sirens and the fear, though once we left the shelter, we lost track of each other. We meet again in Seoul, and something about you seems familiar. We recognize each other, and catch up.

A fear of not being good enough. You are a frequent at Feel (the bar where I sing) and one of the songs I sing one night hits you hard. You break down, afraid of either not being good enough for your future or current partner (depends on if you're matched or not) or are in constant fear of the government. You approach me about the song, which then leads into a night of me comforting you in the bar. Little do you know, I'm really bad at comforting people.

Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Nunc imperdiet gravida mauris.



- gmt-8 [PST; california]
- call me moon/luna, or whatever you prefer
- pretty active, i prefer being tagged unless im clearly in the room
- i have triggers. , self harm, suicide, etc. are not okay topics. do not bring them up around me.
- if i leave the chatroom, do not try to drag me back in. it could be due to many different things.
