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Full name: Kim Jongin

Age: 22

Occupation: Ex-researcher/Now drug "cook"

Personality: quiet around people unfamiliar to him; can be playful; highly intelligent; always seeking something to do; well-spoken and polite but can be informal and casual with people he's close to; takes time to warm up to people


With companies as big as Maltech™, it was easy to get lost amongst the several thousand employees. Jongin was in the "partially-lost" boat. For him, being on the primary drug research team as a Chemist, his contribution and presence was significant, but it was still easy for him to blend with the shadows and background when necessary. As the world collapsed around them due to the epidemic, Jongin stayed comfy and cushy in Maltech™'s secure arms. Being orphaned from a young age, he had been taken in by the multimillionaire company early on and was practically raised up there, surrounded by the antiseptic smell and syringes. He was useful to Maltech™, and so Maltech™ provided him security. 

Until one day, he learnt of something unforgettable. 

It was an honest mistake; he hadn't meant to eavesdrop. However, with the big faces and bodies of the company having a board meeting in the conference room right next to his lab, it was near impossible not to catch a glimpse of the conversation. And a glimpse had all he had needed. 

Initially, Jongin felt empowered with this new information. All these years, even if Maltech™ had provided him security, he didn't always agree with their methods. Having this piece of information.. God knows what he could away with. But of course, Maltech™ wasn't a baby company. They had ears and eyes everywhere. Soon enough, someone had come to know that Jongin had been present — suddenly he had become even more indispensable; he was now in the "highly-noticed" boat. 

Armed with only potential blackmail material and his brain, Jongin made arrangements to flee. He made it seem that he had fled the country, leaving several bread crumb trails all over. In reality, he had found his home amongst the underground city. Here, there were so many types of people; it was insane. Jongin had discovered a new world. And that wasn't even the best part. Thanks to his years of being a Chemist, money flowed into his pocket easily as he produced high quality drugs. Finding dealers had been a piece of cake. With a small network established, Jongin found himself restoring that balance of being noticed and going unnoticed once again; while he was widely known for his high-purity-high-quality drugs — under the codename 'Kai' — Jongin also managed to remain hidden within the shadows. Always double-checking things. Always looking over his shoulder.



GMT +4 (Although I sleep like I'm in GMT-4)
POV: 3rd preferred, but 1st if you want faster replies (#foreveronmobile)
- I usually remember my posts, but in case I've forgotten (which is not unlikely), feel free to (politely) poke me whenever. I don't mind.
- You don't have to mirror my length at all, but just make sure I have something to work with. Grammar and punctuation is a must, please. 
- I'm very open to anything, so just hit me up or whatever! I prefer plotting, because it gives me a sense of direction, but if you want to wing it we can try that too.
- Super friendly and nice imnida. ; w ; <3