Personal Message

name: sommer ray
age: 20
ual orientation: straight
marital status: single
personality: sommer is a goofy young adult who can get a little wild if you don't pay attention to her. 
background: she works as a yoga and pilates instructor at the local gym. 
response time: 1 hour - 8 days
rping habits: i always reply back!
pet peeves: none
preferred genres & plots: no preference! 
samples of your writing: 
hey i'm sommer //my hand reaches out to you for a friendly handshake. it's nice to meet you! what's your name? you're the new tenant in room 101 right? the first floor is nice. //i laugh with a polite smile as i try to small talk you. it's easier to move furniture into the first floor, i'm jealous. i live alllll the way on the fifth floor, it was such a pain to get all of my furniture up there. how are you settling in so far? do you like it here?