Personal Message

suggestions for your profile: 
> sample of your writing
> your response time & rping habits (ex. dropping replies after a certain amount of time)
> pet peeves
> preferred genres & plots

name: Jung Hoseok   age: 27    ual orientation: closeted "straight" man   
marital status: engaged and soon to be married (for more info, look below)
realistically hopeful, outgoing, punny, hardworking, determined, sensitive, rl hoseok’s fears applicable to this one, conservative, obedient, 

always enjoyed dancing since middle school but to please his parents, he took that as a hobby and made his major Business. Though he's gay, he lives the life of a closeted straight male. Even his marriage date is coming up in some months and he can only feel bad for his wife to accept marrying him for the wrong reason just because he "seems like a nice guy."

response time
I'm slow but will get to your reply eventually; I don't ignore 

->during break: (min 3 days max 1 week); in school time (min 1 week max 2-3 weeks /depends on school activity/)

rping habits
> quality over quantity;  tho I am a tdlr rper I don't expect you to mirror (actually, I prefer if you don't or we'll have an even longer rp XD)
-> I don't drop any rps without saying it to you, so I expect you to tell me too if you don't wanna rp. I'm chill and I'll understand

pet peeves: being ignored or "forgotten to reply to"
preferred genres & plots: anything but romance. I prefer that to come naturally : P I prefer detailed 1st bc my 3rd can be really slow
samples of your writing:  a real sample? *_* okay.... /hesitant/ look below

ya know... /he says softly with hands behind his back as he looks up at the moon. It was a quiet and cool night as the wind blows through his short locks/ I've always wondered what life I'd've lived if I was born in any other country but here. /chuckles to himself as he touches lightly at the railing/ ah what am I thinkin, you'd probably be the same, Hobie... /but then his heart pings and he stares beyond the parking lot/ but I still gotta wonder... /his voice fades into a whisp, synced with the calming wind/