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name: yoon bora
age: 27
Desc of pre-death: 
She had never thought she'd end up like this, just like she didn't think hell was like this but there was no mistake about where she ended up. She had passed as a young age, in her mid 20's, but what exactly did a young woman like her to die or get into hell? Well as they say, looks are deceiving and she happened to be very deceiving indeed, conning and black mailing others to the point they'd take their own lives in fear of not meeting what she wanted; she was an accessory to murder. I guess you could say she was a underground loan shark, she had a stable company job but no one knew what she really did for a living. However, sooner or later karma would always work it's magic to get back at her.. she had always imagined it but never thought it'd be delivered in that way. It was a regular day at the office, things were going smoothly for both her business and her boss's company until their building was taken over by masked men or was it women? She could never remember, but she would never forget what they had done to her and she could never forget the amount of pain she went through.. the countless wounds of knives and guns had pierced her entire body. Her face completely bruised to the point she was no longer recognizable. Slowly but surely she suffered a painful death.
Who are you now:
Yoon Bora. Funny, how after hearing the name she had no longer remembered her real name but wait.. Yoon Bora is her real name, at least now it is. Just as what she's done before passing away Bora had done the deed of deceiving those who came around her, using every possible way to get money out of them, but Bora does not feel no sorrow about turning into a demon if you ask her she finds it all too amusing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas rhoncus lectus eu semper. Etiam eget turpis a odio cursus molestie. Vestibulum viverra feugiat enim, id sollicitudin turpis posuere nec. Suspendisse potenti. Donec laoreet, dolor eget hendrerit elementum, nunc risus efficitur ipsum, quis tincidunt augue dolor vel lacus. Morbi tortor justo, semper eu velit sed, convallis faucibus magna. Morbi dignissim leo quis porta blandit. Vivamus mollis ex vel aliquam blandit.

Curabitur sodales, metus et ultricies egestas, nunc dui placerat sem, vitae dignissim arcu est in dui. Ut finibus nisi id nulla rhoncus aliquet vel ut odio. Quisque eu nisi imperdiet, suscipit nisi ut, molestie quam. Aenean porttitor arcu odio. Aliquam augue nisi, ornare eget vulputate vel, tincidunt ut tortor. Nullam laoreet justo vitae congue vehicula. Suspendisse euismod sem vel magna sodales egestas. Nullam sit amet blandit nibh. Donec a nunc vel tellus blandit posuere. Nunc aliquam risus vitae eros elementum mattis.

Aenean mollis ipsum sed leo fringilla blandit. Donec ac justo eget justo lacinia consectetur sed sed ipsum. Pellentesque quam velit, lobortis vel leo gravida, dapibus pretium lectus. In viverra augue dui, vitae vehicula ipsum congue eget. Suspendisse convallis, eros in scelerisque rhoncus, massa ipsum varius nunc, ut auctor turpis eros efficitur purus. Integer et convallis velit, eu tempor erat. In facilisis metus neque, ut vestibulum magna pellentesque at. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla ac elit felis. Donec malesuada vel elit auctor lacinia. Phasellus libero nisi, fringilla ac varius sit amet, pellentesque eget nunc.