Personal Message

Full name; Wen Junhui
date of birth: June 10, 1996 (age 21)
group or occupation: Idol from Seventeen
Some things no one else knows: 
-He knows a little bit about everything. Like you can talk to him about random topics and he will know at least one fact. 
-He is better at singing than he is at dancing, even though he's a dancer in his group. 
-He dresses opposite of how he really is, meaning he dresses in leather and bad boy/ boy looks, but he's the classiest boy you'll ever meet. 
-He didn't start speaking until 5 years old and everyone thought he was be dumb, but he is the smartest in his family, reading high school books in 1st grade. 
Bad habits: 
-He eats when he's stressed and he also eats when he's relaxed. His go-to food is junk food. 
-He is do as i say, not as i do kind of guy. He's a hypocrite.
-He is constantly flirting with people, even though he looks nice and shy. 
-He is really smart but he says a lot of dumb stuff when he's nervous or excited or awkward. 
Messy or clean: He's clean and organized
Like to clean up: No, his life does not involve cleaning up since he's already a clean person
Sleeping habits: 
-He sleep talks and he reveals secrets. He once revealed to his roommate that he once kissed a fan when he was drunk while he was asleep. 
-He sleep eats and he sleep cooks. 
Onscreen personality: He's very charming and charismatic and everyone suspects him of hiding something all the time, whether it's a secret relationship or maybe substances. People always think he's high. 
Offscreen personality: He's very awkward and shy. He's also very nice and kind and very old fashioned. He is also very motherly and protective. He loves animals more than humans and he lowkey hates people. He is a er for romance movies like Titanic and TFIOS. He loves horror movies and hates action movies. 
In a roomate: Someone outgoing, so he wouldn't die inside. He is very boring so he needs someone exciting and fun and wouldn't make him want to die of boredom. 
Timezone: GMT-7