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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor. Curabitur molestie. Duis velit augue, condimentum at, ultrices a, luctus ut, orci. Donec pellentesque egestas eros. Integer cursus, augue in cursus faucibus, eros pede bibendum sem, in tempus tellus justo quis ligula. Etiam eget tortor. Vestibulum rutrum, est ut placerat elementum, lectus nisl aliquam velit, tempor aliquam eros nunc nonummy metus. In eros metus, gravida a, gravida sed, lobortis id, turpis. Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Nunc imperdiet gravida mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor. Curabitur molestie. Duis velit augue, condimentum at, ultrices a, luctus ut, orci. Donec pellentesque egestas eros. Integer cursus, augue in cursus faucibus, eros pede bibendum sem, in tempus tellus justo quis ligula. Etiam eget tortor. Vestibulum rutrum, est ut placerat elementum, lectus nisl aliquam velit, tempor aliquam eros nunc nonummy metus. In eros metus, gravida a, gravida sed, lobortis id, turpis. Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Nunc imperdiet gravida mauris.

height can be 130 or more but width must be 100



height can be 130 or more but width must be 100



height can be 130 or more but width must be 100



height can be 130 or more but width must be 100







detailed 1st & 3rd.


para to multi para


Memories, Picture Spam & Web Counter

p. jinyoung 7 minutes ago Reply
seHYUNG playing sehun le gasp
p. jinyoung 5 minutes ago Reply
aggressively waves at seHYUNG
ayyyyyyyy but seriously playing the chara your u/n is based off of iconic
j. dahye [A] 1 minute ago Reply
y. bora 43 seconds ago Reply 
i saws the o for ohse and thought he said 'o i have returned'
d. kyungsoo 4 minutes ago Reply
sehun the gay prince
h. miyoung [A] 2 minutes ago Reply
whenever i see one of sehyung's male characters be straight i'm shook af
k. jongdae [A] 1 minute ago Reply
baby boy sehun
b. baekhyun 18 seconds ago Reply
dreams of oh sehun just to make him happy because maknae deserves happiness and jongdae's pickles
p. chanyeol 1 minute ago Reply
o. sehun 5 seconds ago Reply
p. chanyeol 4 seconds ago Reply
lotto is actually a good song

besides my absurd lack of lines, yes

if we were basing the quality of songs on your amount of lines every song is bad
d. kyungsoo 2 minutes ago Reply
ok but why is sehun actually cute
d. kyungsoo 4 minutes ago Reply
istg why is sehun so effortlessly cute. he's like that puppy you just want to coo over and pet.
d. kyungsoo 57 seconds ago Reply
from little carrot to little tomato. cute.
b. baekhyun 38 seconds ago Reply
ah sehun
eh sehun
ih sehun
oh sehun
uh sehun
yh sehun
d. kyungsoo 2 minutes ago Reply
you deserve all the appreciation, soon to be lil tomato.
d. kyungsoo 3 minutes ago Reply
never knew a tomato would be that cute. nice.
d. kyungsoo 23 seconds ago Reply
shush baby boy you're perfect just the way you are
h. miyoung [A] 26 seconds ago Reply
sometimes sehun sends me those replies and i'm shook af 
english nut
d. kyungsoo 50 seconds ago Reply
o. sehun 4 seconds ago Reply
d. kyungsoo 12 seconds ago Reply
given english isnt my first language sehun's reply got me shook 
hello dictionary


i like pretty things. pretty words, pretty boys. explains why you're a perfect combination for me, doesn't it?
j. dahye [A] 2 minutes ago Reply
d. kyungsoo 2 minutes ago Reply
how to be chill and stop myself from wanting to claim sehun
b. joohyun 45 seconds ago Reply
othe and kyungkyung ok eu e hhhhh
d. kyungsoo 1 minute ago Reply
i regret giving sehun that dp because now i'm so soft and ready to coo over him whenever he appears
d. kyungsoo 2 minutes ago Reply
o. sehun 3 minutes ago Reply
kyungsoo's dp just screams daddy

yours screams baby boy so we make a good pair
d. kyungsoo 35 seconds ago Reply
holds sehun tbh
shush baby boy
b. baekhyun 53 seconds ago Reply
s. kangjoon 52 seconds ago Reply
p. jinyoung 9 seconds ago Reply
can i date sehun omf--he sounds so precious
y. bora 49 seconds ago Reply
sehun is amazing to date ;; i didnt get very far bUT i know i was really happy ;;
d. kyungsoo 41 seconds ago Reply
oh look it's sehun. how did you know i missed you, little prince?
d. kyungsoo 25 minutes ago Reply
hopes to never be healthy again in this case
d. kyungsoo 26 minutes ago Reply
hng hot nurse sehun
d. kyungsoo 1 minute ago Reply
i noticed sehun's "memories" consist basically in 60-70% of my posts.
d. kyungsoo 5 minutes ago Reply
becomes sehun's rightful daddy™ 
d. kyungsoo 20 minutes ago Reply
don't act surprised, i'm basically all over you.
h. miyoung [A] 2 minutes ago Reply
like sometimes i just have to take a step back and just aDORE sehyung
h. miyoung [A] 2 minutes ago Reply
i LOVE sehyung
d. kyungsoo 2 minutes ago Reply
idk sehyung ooc but he's cute :")
so is psychology bub
d. kyungsoo 20 seconds ago Reply
casually gives sehun 203838477372829283738393038377473820 endearing names because my precious
d. kyungsoo 1 day ago Reply
@o. sehun Mine.

d. kyungsoo 49 seconds ago Reply

why would i want someone other than you to want me? pointless.

d. kyungsoo 1 minute ago Reply

o. sehun 1 minute ago Reply
I read that as jedi

ing marries you

d. kyungsoo 34 seconds ago Reply

brb looking for a ring for sehun