Personal Message

Kim Jaeho




Jaeho was raised in both the wizarding & muggle world, having a knowledge of each so he'd know how to survive in which he'd chose to live in. Mainly having an interest in the wizarding world, he knew that was the one he'd want to spend more of his life getting to know. He's a easily blushy shy boy, he's always focused on his studies and snaps at anyone who disturbs him while he's doing his work, He comes off rude due to his constant snapping but is actually quite friendly once you get to know him but that's only if he allows you to break down his walls. When he isn't studying he's usually seen around with a book or tripping over his own feet from his clumsiness, He's obsessed with muggle comics and pretends to hate quidditch when he pretty much knows nearly everything about it and stays hidden during the quidditch matches while silently enjoying it.