Personal Message

Kim Jae Joong 
The game isn't over until you won❞ 
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owner of xclusive
29 y/o
born & raised in seoul
kind unless provoked, usually friendly, a bit distant, determined to keep Xclusive running well, can often be found mingling with guests or participating in activities in the facility. 
About me
Jaejoong wasn't always at the higher end of society. He was raised by a single mother and with two sisters. Thus, he didn't have the option to get to college. However, he did have his looks. Starting out with small (not all of them legal) jobs he quickly rose to be one of the top models of South-Korea. That opened possibilities - money, connections and the chance to make something out of his life.
Then the question was what he wanted to do. He tried singing; that went quite well, but he didn't see himself doing that for a living. Then acting, but that period didn't take long as well. Now he founded xclusive. A club specially made for people with money; because he had learned that even though poor people had to work had to pay the rent, rich people had to continuously exceed expectations, even in private matters. Xclusive was founded as a way find a temporary escape.
OOC corner
* GMT + 1
* Prefer 3rd, can do 1st
* Literate, (multi)para
* Please PM for any matters considering Xclusive
* don't be afraid to talk to me, I'm nice ^^
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