Personal Message

Server/Aspiring Singer. 24. Switch

Trivia Has a tattoo on his pelvis that spells out 'Never Again', worst decision because that was painful.

Background & Personality He's been in the business for a while now, well not the whole club thing but talking to customers, serving, taking orders, you get the gest. But he was used to doing so for more family friendly environments. For the longest time, Daehyun had worked at his uncle's little restaurant as he studied for classes. From time to time, he would also sing to entertain the customers that came often. It wasn't much but he earned a reasonable amount, plus frequent patrons would leave him hefty tips after knowing him for a while. The job was also relatively close to his university, making the commute much easier and less expensive on his college budget. That is why the shift from that location to an exclusive club was so drastic. There was more alcohol, toucher people, and more importantly the pay was much better. The job was introduced to him by a regular customer who always ate at their place late into the night. "You'll earn more Daehyun, plus you'll get to meet people as well. Just think about it. I've already talked to ya uncle about it as well." What he didn't add was that it was all males and a 180 from his usual gig. He always knew that he enjoyed the company of males more than females, but never really acted on it. Daehyun has been a single man for 24 years though came close a few times. They mostly ended a few weeks in because of his busy class and work schedule. He may not have experience in that field, but he isn't naive about it. He picked up a lot working at the club, being more aware of how he looked in the eyes of others. He wasn't the most handsome out there but he was blessed with nice lips and a proportional face. It's what people liked most. He can be very flirtatious but never takes the initiative because of simply not knowing how to.


OOC Corner GMT-5, I can do both third POV (para, mirror etc) or first POV. First POV for me will only be for walls, everything else, PM, room, third. Makes keeping track easier that way. I'm down for all plots and genres, h i t m e u p with that angst, drama, action, whatever I'm into all that good . If I have the muse and feelin' the plot, I'd be happy to start. I'm a pretty slow replier please don't mind me. I just got back to RPR after a long long long time.