Personal Message


Hello hello! I'm new here please treat me well! I usually prefer 1st pov (winged plot). 3rd pov (plot) takes a lot of creative brain activity for me but I can do it! Just please be patient with me LOL. I'm open to winging or plotting for any pov, just ask! :) 


[Currently In Construction]

Name: Bang Yongguk
Age: 27 years old
Orientation: Biual. Dom. 
Candy Boy: Personal Waiter


Yongguk has lived a poor life of poverty ever since he was a child. His mom sold herself to ion to make ends meet and his dad left the family to marry a wealthy woman. He vowed to never be like his father and Yongguk tried to do the most he can to help his mother and his siblings survive. As soon as he was old enough, he worked at several different odd jobs until he was recruited by a host club. His chaotic working schedule calmed down and he made good money, allowing his family to live a somewhat better life. When Yongguk found out about Candy Mansion, he decided to work both jobs to increase his pay. He will do anything and everything as long as he can make the money to provide for his family. He's extremely loyal and caring towards them and took up the role as the man/dad of the house.