Personal Message
yoon jeonghan your favorite peachy prince. join me on my adventures. meme-ories.
9 posts
30 following

basic info

name: yoon jeonghan
nicknames/aliases: angel or yoon conman
date of birth: october 4, 1995
age: 22
orientation: panual
relationship status: interested in flowers



yoon jeonghan was always exposed to the world where companies and names were big. his father, having been a photo journalist, was traveling and met his mother who just happen to be a lucky model. ever since he was a child, he was always on the move. exposed to the camera, spotlight, and various modeling gigs to help his mother. though, he preferred the camera more, what happens behind the photos and videos. with his father's help, he was in constant exposure to the beloved lens and learned how to use it. at a young age, he was able to obtain a camera of his own and continued to work hard and grow his skills. jeonghan kept various others gigs on the sidelines but his love for the camera never faltered. he attended a university to help with his degree in art in photography.  he managed to move out and move into the citrus complex, where he lies to this day. as outgoing as he seems, he likes to keep more to himself and get work done. his extrovert personality was just another trait he had to obtain. sharp tongued and blunt, he still keeps  a kind heart and has a tendency to become a parental figure. be careful, he's very affectionate.




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Suspendisse ac justo neque. Nam mauris tortor, consequat eu metus nec, efficitur elementum arcu. Suspendisse est eros, vehicula sed posuere congue, tincidunt porttitor dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget efficitur nisl. Pellentesque justo arcu, aliquam vitae viverra quis, pellentesque at metus. Praesent tortor tellus, ullamcorper non magna tristique, ultricies venenatis nunc. Etiam egestas vestibulum diam at pharetra. Curabitur tellus nunc, sodales nec molestie in, vulputate in massa. Mauris et metus accumsan, ornare nisi vel, efficitur justo. Duis vitae mattis odio, sed mattis sem. Suspendisse at massa ipsum. Nam ut enim quis mi fermentum pretium vitae a mi. Ut sed enim quis tellus tempus molestie. In nec suscipit mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae


out of character

01. henlo pm me if you wanna plot or anything - i don't bite! YOU CAN ADDRESS ME BY MY MUSE(S)'S NAMES OR MY USERNAME IS FINE! 
02. i'm literally fine with any genre, so hit me up and all that.
03. i'll try to respond as fast as i can, but as a student, i do get busy.
04. i like to get to know the person behind the character so don't be SURPRISED if i continue to talk to you.
05. please don't yell at me if i'm talking in the chatroom without replying to our rp.
06. gmt - 8.



Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Ut ornare sem eget magna bibendum blandit nec in justo. Aliquam vitae pretium magna, non scelerisque erat. Cras maximus nulla augue, non tempor odio rutrum id. Aenean eu lacus sed ipsum dapibus maximus. Quisque molestie fermentum massa. Duis congue turpis eros. Vestibulum ultricies sit amet ligula ut sollicitudin.
Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Mauris in viverra mi. Donec luctus ante nibh, nec aliquam elit bibendum quis. In vitae egestas purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus blandit dapibus ante eleifend laoreet. Mauris eros nisl, tincidunt tristique sapien sit amet, rhoncus congue metus. Integer sagittis fermentum mollis.
Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Duis turpis ligula, venenatis ut molestie ac, suscipit lacinia nunc. Nulla molestie urna et ante accumsan tempor. Aliquam interdum neque nec est tincidunt commodo. Nullam porta ligula at lacus finibus consectetur. Donec id orci felis. Sed vel nunc consequat arcu pulvinar fermentum vel nec ipsum. Nullam dapibus ullamcorper nibh, ac feugiat quam facilisis quis. Suspendisse potenti.