Personal Message

name: godfrey gao, godfries, god, mr.gao,,, it really depends
age: 33
personality: warm, very calm most of the time, welcoming, mature, irritable sometimes, tired, gentle-- kinda, authoritative, very friendly, affectionate even if he doesn't know someone, as for flaws he tends to overwork himself at times and that gives him his tiredness and irritability, he's also bad at communicating some things at times, despite how he is he can get really verbally aggressive
background: Godfrey grew up with only his mother and always did good in school despite his mother's financial struggles, but once he could have a job and was in high school, he spent that time trying to help her by working, and his grades towards the end of his high school years were suffering, therefore, he used his skills and love for reading to go into community college to become an english teacher, he continues to struggle a bit but he feels more satisfied with his life to educate youth njd,bvhj
occupation: high school english teacher
room mate?: I'm not exactly sure, I'd like to be living with someone but I don't have anyone in mind-- but also, I want to live with someone so I guess I'll stay alone for now
password: euphoria