Personal Message

Name: Baek Sumin

Age: 19

She has nothing special, just your friendly girl-next-door. Born to be pure Cancer (zodiac). Lovable and charismatic. Rebellious but follows order from respected people. She kinda shy but if she have slight bravery, she will pop infront of your face with cookies and ice cream. Have dark secret she kept safe. She looks weak and fragile because thats who she believe she is despite involving herself into mafia. She pretty good at hiding everything so its pretty difficult to trust her but she has animalistic instict, by chance you have this special aura, she might completely open up with you. She has bad insecurities over herself. She didnt believe over her capabality since she never saw any and she kept being inside her room, be in her cave to think which part to be improved. This makes her never near self confident and that how she end up being behind the shadow.

Even tho ppl said she live in un healthy family but as long as she is safe and her family love her also treat her the way they should, she is living in healthy harmony family. Her dad running an armor weapon company while her mom is housewife with talent to kill, so dont make jokes bout her if you dont want your eyes on our dining plate. She is the heir of red rose mafia group which the leader is her father and his right man is her elder brother. Her family does sounds unhealthy and bothered but either people believe it or not, she still play hide and seek with her family, kick the can, family night game and so on. Living in multiple people eyes (her dad guard) as protector of the family, she didnt feel bother neither everyone in the family. She been trained to be cool charismatic girl and bold strong woman. Being the heir of big mafia group is not easy but as long as she have bright life and future, she dont care bout what ppl said over her odd background. 

Occupation: SNU students in psychology and business major also work for red rose group.

I would like to have roomates
