Personal Message
Blood and bone
2 hours ago
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Silence is better than bull
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Black ocean cold and dark. I am the hungry shark. fast and merciless.
the only girl that could talk to him just couldn't swim tell me what's worse than this?
i've seen better days, so unafriad, in my youth.
character name Bang Yongguk
birthdate march 31, 1990
age 27
occupation Studio artist
orientation Panual
relationship status Single
timezone UTc-7
pov3rd is prefeered
length I Mirror
additional disclaimer would rather plot
even at my best i am the worst
about & personality
yongguk is a free spirit. never staying in one place for too long. he likes to be on the move, see different people, and experiance new things. he was a rogue wolf for a long time, wondering about and settling barely long enough to get to know anyone. he stopped, sold some art and then picked up again. much like the wind, yongguk appeared suddenly, and was gone just as quickly. though he decided to join the metsa pack because being on his own was getting rather boring, though even if he is a part of a pack now, that doesn't stop yongguks roaming tendencies. he still wanders, but now the only difference is that he has a permananent place to call home.

This feeling's getting old, but it won't go away.
lover name (N/A) ⎯ 00.00.00 ⎯ status
At one point in time yongguk had had a mate at one point. the love of his life, the stars to his moon. but sadly he died while giving birth, and their cubs didn't make it as well. yongguk was devistated, and isn't sure if he'll ever find someone to fill that spot again, or if he even wants to.

you think you know me, i wish i did too.
plots & tracker(WIP)
Stop Stop it | (0/0), Angst(Maybe), Romance(possibly). | Yongguk is a wanderer my nature. One day he comes just a bit too close for comfort, and you decide that enough is enough and confront him.

plot title | availability, genre, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pellentesque nunc non lacus rhoncus tincidunt. Vivamus efficitur nec nulla vel sodales. Mauris rutrum in felis.

plot title | availability, genre, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pellentesque nunc non lacus rhoncus tincidunt. Vivamus efficitur nec nulla vel sodales. Mauris rutrum in felis.

plot title | availability, genre, etc. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pellentesque nunc non lacus rhoncus tincidunt. Vivamus efficitur nec nulla vel sodales. Mauris rutrum in felis.
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