Personal Message
Now Playing: Monster - EXO
Mood: Focused
Thoughts: Losing my mind in books
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kyungsoo @dokyungsoo· July 29th
Background Information: ever since he can remember, kyungsoo has always been a loner. He never felt like he truly fit in anywhere, no matter who he was with or what he was doing. his uncanny connection with animals was always aparent even from the age of 4 when he would frequently be caught talking to any animal within proximity as if it were a human, even dangerous creatures. His parents (both non-magic) never understood their son and ended up placing him in counciling until he learned to hide his abilities to seem 'normal'. It wasn't until Kyungsoo became a sophomore in high school that he discovered the orgin of his abilities.
His maternal grandmother had kept diaries throughout her life and upon her passing, had requested the diaries go to Kyungsoo. In the diaries kyungsoo discovered she in fact had magic abilities that skipped a generation, therefore landing kyungsoo with the powers he did not understand. Once he finally understood where his abilities had come from, it was much easier for him to research and hoan his abilities. from that point up through graduating college, he spent his days mastering his magic skills. While job searching, he found Opacity.
In opacity, Kyungsoo was given the chance to be himself. In this city, he has found his true calling is studying and writing non-fiction biology books about familiars and their many various and incredible transformations. He spends most of his free time researching and meeting familiars to understand the influence each magical individual has on their familiar that shapes it into the life companion they became. Kyungsoo has always loved animals  so combining his love for nature with the concepts of magic granted him his niche and EXPERTISE in something no one else had researched before.

Ability: Animal Magic: can use magic to control animals, mimic animal traits, summon animal spirits/spirit animal connection, taming of animals, communicate with animals telepathically, borrow their senses, make himself viewable as any specific animal of choice to any animal (no actual physical change) and otherwise use animals as extensions of themselves though mental connection. (animal empathy, animal posession, 
-----sub abilities:
              Danger intuition
              night vision
              Peak Human Agility
              hunting intuition
Level 1: Charmer
familiar: sapientiae "wisdom"
age: 24
orientation: Panual
kyungsoo @dokyungsoo· July 24th
Personality: kyungsoo is a very serious and quiet individual. That is not to say he is a stick in the mud, or dull in any way, he is simply mature and collected. He is a very complex and careful individual, always taking his time to understand things fully before doing anything brash. Despite his seemingly stand-offish behavior, he is very kind and gentle. He loves caring for those weak or in need, and he's always willing to help out someone he knows deserves it without considering anything in return. 

FAVORITE hobbies: archery, fishing, cooking, woodcrafting
FAVORITE food: sushi, kimchi spaghetti
favorite animal: Wolf
Favorite color: deep red
kyungsoo @dokyungsoo· July 20th
I fell in love with you: reserved for someone special

There's beauty in the unknown.
kyungsoo @dokyungsoo· July 15th
OOC;  heyo, i have a monday through friday full time job that allows me a lot of free time durring the day to get on here, but outside of those timezones i don't typically log on. That means my weekends are spent elsewhere, not here :(
timezone: UTC-5 (Eastern North America)
POV style: detailed 3rd is my prefered way but i'm good with switching it up too.
Now Playing: Monster - EXO
Mood: Focused
Thoughts: Eat asphalt.
6 Photos and Videos
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kyungsoo @dokyungsoo· July 29th
Background Information: Kyungsoo has always loved cars. Tearing them apart and building them back up together again was his favorite hobby growing up. It was the only activity he could actually do to connect with his father. When his mother died near his 12th birthday, his fathers world (and his own) stopped. His father began drinking his pain away, leaving kyungsoo to fend for himself most days, but when the two of them actually sat down to work on a car together, it was the only time the pair had any connection or communication at all. Kyungsoo learned his most valuable life lessons from mistakes he made. He moved out as soon as he was of legal age, and got a part time job fixing up old cars to pay the bills. His father died not long after of alcohol posioning, but kyungsoo knew it was really due to a broken heart. Working on cars paid the bills for his dumpy apartment though, and he cant say he really missed the man.

Kyungsoo became a part of Snake Eyes when his talent for driving fast and accurate was discovered. He had participated in an underground, "hush hush" racing event and kicked everyones by a long shot. He was essentually hired on the spot to be Snake eyes designated get-away driver, and has been serving the gang ever since. He still keeps his part time mechanic job, but its really just a cover up for tax collectors. 

age: 24
kyungsoo @dokyungsoo· July 24th
Personality: kyungsoo is a very serious and quiet individual. That is not to say he is a stick in the mud, or dull in any way, he is simply mature and collected. He is a very complex and careful individual, always taking his time to calculate his best plan of action. He can be a bit of a hard- at times, espeically if you're messing with his things or cars. Time is valuable to him, so make it worth his time if you're going to give him a job or task. If there's one thing he won't tolerate, its tardiness. If he says he's going to pick you up at 11, he means he's going to pick you up at 11. Any later than 5 minutes past your meeting time, you can GUARANTEE he's already left you in the dust.
kyungsoo @dokyungsoo· July 20th
I fell in love with you: reserved for someone special

There's beauty in the unknown.
kyungsoo @dokyungsoo· July 15th
OOC;  heyo, i have a monday through friday full time job that allows me a lot of free time during the day to get on here, but outside of those timezones i don't typically log on. That means my weekends are spent elsewhere, not here :(
timezone: UTC-5 (Eastern North America)
POV style: detailed 3rd is my prefered way but i'm good with switching it up too.
do kyungsoo
basic wand



shazam box

gift box

