Personal Message

1125849.jpg?v=20256 salty wiener jinwho. 54 seconds ago Reply

1125849.jpg?v=20256 salty wiener jinwho. 1 minute ago Reply
Delete minhyuk

1127284.jpg?v=18536 myungjun. 8 seconds ago Reply
minhyuk. 48 seconds ago Reply
myungjun. 2 minutes ago Reply
And thus why Minhyuk is my favorite child
tears up
huggles you up

1126744.jpg?v=39074 youngmin. [h] 7 minutes ago Reply

Snuggles up to min 
♡ dork



Mon nounours
my princess, my dweeb; the person I look forward to everyday。
neither of us really seem to be
around when the other isn't busy,
and that really .. but
everyday, you're the first thing I
think of when i wake up and the
last right before i fall asleep. i
actually really miss you when you
aren't around. i cherish every
moment you happen to be around,
and yes, I hate my schedule just
as much as you do at this point.
It's absolutely horrible.
i just want you to know, no matter
what, I'm always going to be here
waiting for you. days, weeks..
it doesn't matter. I'm not going
anywhere.. despite my earlier
teasing, yeah.. 'm yours, regardless.
i love you, minhyuk.. happy
early valentines day. p.s; the pink
one is mine ♡
sincerely, youngmin。