Personal Message
 now playing:  
Bruno mars-versace on the floor (coverr)
❝ when i wake up one morning in twenty years and look back, i don't want to have any regrets. ❞
MY story:

Hi everyone! My name is Taeil, and I'm an omega formerly in Kuro. I was here after the first war broke out, but no one really knew I was there due to my parents hiding me away. They were abusive, but at the time, I thought that it was fine because my pain made them happy. I was kind to a fault in that area, and I often did some stupid things to help others even if it hurt me.

Fast forward to me getting kidnapped the first time. Someone I trusted and cared for a lot betrayed me and put me in a cage, yadda yadda. Long story short, I wasn't the same after that. Where I cared for everyone before, this time I was as cold as I could possibly be to everyone. It lost me a lot of friends, and I'll always regret not apologizing to them before the second war broke out.

I lost pretty much everyone except for Jungkook in the end (More on that cutie later~), or so I thought. Anyway, I got kidnapped a second time by pretty much the same people, but Jungkook was taken with me. PTSD still haunts us both, but mostly him because they did tests on me already and focused on him for the most part. It was because of that that I decided we had to get out. I wasn't going to give those s a chance to get at my baby again, so we packed up and moved to the house my parents left me when they died. I've long since forgiven them, and they even apologized in the letter they sent when giving me the house. So I now live in the city with Kook, but I will visit my old home often, especially when I realized that some old friends survived the second war.


Honestly speaking, I'm a big teddy bear. Well maybe not that big since I'm not especially tall, but you get the point! I love hugs and cuddles, and I have a huge weakness for cute people; I keep wanting to adopt them. Romantically, I try to be sweet and simple. I'm a big romantic, but the cliche simple type of romantic. You know, the picnics in the park or long walks on the beach type. I'm pretty crazy too, and very hyper sometimes, so watch out for that hehe~ Oh, and I definitely am NOT innocent, mentally anyway. My mind is about as dirty as you can get, and I will not apologize for it! I rather like it that way, but I'm not always like that don't worry. I have some self control.
friends & fams:
The ones who stuck by me through thick and thin, my precious friends ♥
small spam of lover:

Spam of My Cute and y Wolf~

Name:Jeon Jungkook (Oh goodness help me get through this spam)

the one that I gave my heart to:

NAME:  Jeon Jungkook







"I don't mind being stuck with you. You're like a little ray of sunshine in my dark life." - Jongjin, 2017