Personal Message

Name: Jung Taekwoon

Age: 25

Occupation: Produce stocker in a little grocery store, book shelver at the local library

Pack: Maaseutu

Position: Xi

ABO: Omega

Bio: Taekwoon has always felt like the odd one out, even when he was small. A lot of things scared or irritated him, but he wasn't sure how to tell other people, so he just kept quiet a lot of the time. His parents somehow weren't his real parents, didn't smell right, not smelling wrong, but didn't smell like him. Getting older meant getting taller, and getting taller meant people wanted to pick fights with him more often, or just stare at him, but Taekwoon just wants to be small again where people didn't notice him. Now he works in a little grocery store and in a library, where people kinda treat him as though he is invisible. He likes that. He likes lots of other things too - talking to babies, arranging things nicely, the smell of good produce and books, warm and heavy blankets. Doesn't like lots and lots of things, but he can do pretty well avoiding them or getting through them. 

He doesn't come off as particularly friendly, but that might be because of his height and his very impassive face. And the fact that he doesn't like people touching him or touching people. But he does work hard and is quite happy with any job that doesn't make him feel tetchy or doesn't require him talking to people. Very gentle and pretty easy-going despite his looks, and he moves along at his own pace, but the jobs get done and done well. 

[a stricter, more vicious type of nomadic pack dropped baby taekwoon off outside some building at the edge of a human town once they figured out that there was something not quite right with him. didn't want to deal with the potential drain on their resources, especially with a cub who didn't keep in line even when cuffed round the head]


Personality: Pretty quiet, tends to keep to himself and hide from people, doesn't like being touched.

Fingers constantly in motion - playing with his bracelet, toying with his necklace, spinning a ring around on his finger, kicking his legs out to swing them back and forth, etc.

Can't/won't/doesn't like to - make deliberate eye contact or facial expressions. Has a near permanent look of boredom.

Prefers silence, behaves a bit oddly when things stress him out.

Doodles on/writes in his omnipresent sketchbook quite a lot.

Will like as not wander away from a conversation if he's bored or if he sees something he doesn't like.

Definitely not a party animal, or even a particularly social one.

Basically like one of those cats that will walk in, survey a scene, watch for a little while (interaction and acknowledgement of others optional), then walk back out to do his own thing.

However, there will be rare times and places when he's a very sociable (for him) creature. When this happens, he'll be pretty much (marginally) less averse to touching, also more about giving gifts and watching people open them (whereas usually he'll just drop 'em off without a word). Just don't hug him too long, he's very particular about his cuddles.

[Helpful Tip: He really likes music and books and nature-y things. Also adores a wide variety of colors. You could get him paint color samples (like the little cards with 6 similar shades of blue) from a hardware store and he'd be over the moon. Not that he'd ever tell you or say anything about it, but don't worry, he'd be very pleased with the gift.]