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Christian Yu
track: 3 by Britney Spears
Birth NameYu Barom
English NameChristian Yu
date of birth09/06/1996
Occupation 01Boyfriend for Hire
Occupation 02Server


01. gen·er·ous. 'jen(ə)rəs [adjective] — (of a person) showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.
02. gen·tle·man·ly. 'dʒentlmənli [adjective] — behaving very well and showing very good manners; like a gentleman.
03. per·sist·ent. pər'sist(ə)nt [adjective] — continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
04. re·li·a·ble. rə'līəb(ə)l [adjective] — consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
05. pro·fes·sion·al. prə'feSH(ə)n(ə)l [adjective] — a person competent or skilled in a particular activity.

01. dis·trust·ful. dis'trəstfəl [adjective] — feeling or showing distrust of someone or something.
02. for·get·ful. fər'ɡetfəl [adjective] — apt or likely not to remember.
03. non·com·mit·tal. 'nänkə'midl [adjective] — (of a person or a person's behavior or manner) not expressing or revealing commitment to a definite opinion or course of action.
04. over·pro·tec·tive. 'ōvərprə'tektiv [adjective] — having a tendency to protect someone, especially a child, excessively.

He's an excellent cook.
He was kicked out of school for constantly disrespecting the professors through sleeping in class.
He works as a server in his father's restaurant, which offers grilled meat and soju.
His mother left him and his father for another man; he isn't quite sure how many men we're talking about, though.
Though skeptical, he once tried being committed, but it didn't end quite well.
He's exceptional in playing the piano, and he can also play the guitar, but not as well as the piano.
He's fond of unscheduled outings, especially road trips without a specific destination.

❑ KINKS : asphyxiation, , clothed , , handcuffs, denial, public , sensory deprivation, temperature play (ice)
❑ TURN ONS : biting, feisty bottoms, lap dance, neck kissing, scratching, teasing
❑ LIMITS : age play, bloodplay, , golden shower,
not happening
date2016 — forever
Commitments aren't for me. Learned this the hard way.
I. Timezone is GMT+8, but I have irregular sleeping patterns.
II. My preferred genres are angst, comedy, fluff, romance, slice of life, and . Do not participate in 18+ threads with me if you are not yet of legal age, please.
III. I'm in my 3rd year of college and I have a lot of evening classes. In short: I am busy, especially on week days, but my replies won't take longer than a week. If ever a week passes and you still haven't received a reply from me, you may freely poke me.
IV. I will drop threads if I see that the other party isn't giving much effort in replying.
V. Do not hesitate to hit me up for plotting! Random threads are very much welcome, yes, but I'd prefer if we plotted.
VI. My writing style is flexible, but there are a few things to point out: (1) I reply faster with script or paragraphs that are no more than 3. I love paranovellas, don't get me wrong; I just take longer to reply to those, and (2) I'm awkward with 1st POV but I'm fine with it.
VII. Have a great day!