Personal Message

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+ birthday
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+ status
+ 23 minutes ago
2018, february
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My name is Park Chorong but most of the fam calls me Chorong or rong or noona or even aunty haha. Its rare to see the girls calling me unnie. Most of the girls would just call me by my real name. I was born on the 3rd of March 1991 that means im most probs one of the oldies here. I am the leader of a group called APINK which most of you might recognise from being known as idols that just dont give a tbvh okno. I am a heteroual and very into.. stuff. if you want to know more pls drop a "iwantdemstuffs" and i shall reply to you what they are haha maybe im not sure yet. What else, Im friendly and nice. I can get a bit weird sometimes but hey being weird is the fun part of being alive!
+ 1 hour ago
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+ 1 hour ago
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trackno answer
+ 5 hours ago
autumn 2017, november
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let's start from the beginning shall we? our relationship actually started at another roleplay and to be very honest, i didn't really expect you would want us to get back together. when we first met, i remembered flirting with you for days. like constantly every single ing day out of boredom and you were too tbh. I didn't want to start a relationship at that time due to personal reasons but I didn't want to lose you either so I agreed on being with you despite we didn't even really get to go out tbh. the roleplay died after you asked me to be your girlfriend and i got really busy as well so our relationship just died. though i actually felt hurt when you suddenly left but i let it go thinking "meh i won't get to see him anymore." oh and look you joined this roleplay and well i didn't know where i got the sudden confidence to actually ask you out instead and you accepted.. kinda? we didn't really gone out but we are going slowly haha. no doubt my feelings for you grew and still growing. i actually love someone now and its you. and i hope you love me too,jisoo. i mean i know you like me a lot but is it love?one question tho when are we going to say we are official pmsl :^) hit dat lil star for memories
+ 10 hours ago
autumn 2017, november
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すべてを大きくする、私は鼓膜が鳴るのが欲しい システム内のより多くのボルト、症状を吹き飛ばします すべてが大きく