Personal Message

kim hyunjin [A] 7 seconds ago Reply
wires comrade 10k !!! buy yourself something pretty xoxo

kim jiho 6 seconds ago Reply
adores ryujin and bu Ys her all the thai milk tea!!!

bang byungchan 10 seconds ago Reply
inahles i love ryujin

jay's sugar baby 2 minutes ago Reply

i love when ryujin goes kboo
that's my baby right there

c c can i b be fi first yongguk o o oppa 15 seconds ago Reply

i gave you a sweet to let you know you're the cutest ryu kohai !

felix lee 52 seconds ago Reply

ryujin is the best. someone appreicates me. ;;; she's the best. i love her.

bang chan 51 seconds ago Reply

i love ryujin so much bcs 
she's a sweetheart that appreciating everyone and also callinv me senpai and role model ;u;

feng fan 55 seconds ago Reply

the fan in feng fan is short for ryujin's no.1 fan
