Personal Message

After making up his mind, Zuko decides to help Aang, Katara, Toph, & Sokka take down Firelord Ozai. Katara doesn't enjoy the fact that she has to but up with yet another boy in the group considering how annoying Aang and Sokka can be. She still has some resentment against the fire nation for killing her mother and takes out most of her anger on Zuko. While on their visit to the earth kingdom, Zuko and Katara are paired together to create a distraction while Aang speaks with the leader of the earth kingdom. During their mission, Zuko meets up with his sister, Azula, and leaves Katara to create a distraction by herself while he talks with Azula. Once Zuko arrives back, he's met by Katara. Throughout the rest of their travels she refusing to talk to him until he is able to apologize for betraying her trust in him. During one evening of camping, Zuko pulls Katara aside to apologize for his behavior and in time the two become close. Once again on a mission to the fire kingdom the two are paired up to capture Azula. Zuko offers to take on the mission himself while Katara helps out Aang. Zuko abondons the groups plans and meets with the firelord to challenge him to a duel ending in defeat. As a result, Zuko gave up Aang, Toph, and Sokka to the firelord. Katara managed to escape once she found out that Zuko betrayed her trust and took on the firelord by himself. For a number of years, Zuko and Katara stayed hidden from everyone including each other. Reports start coming out about a mysterious figure the village is referring to as the 'Painted Lady' helping people of the fire nation escape from turmoil. Within days more reports come out claiming a mysterious man in a mask the people claimed as the 'Blue Spirit' was freeing many of the prisoners from the firelord's dungeon. One night the Painted Lady and the Blue Spirit unknowingly met in the dungeon to free the Aang and his friends from the dungeon. Once they were freed, The Blue Spirit took it upon himself to find out more about the Painted Lady. The two went away to speak in private though both could tell something seemed familiar about the other. Once it came out that it was Katara and Zuko all along the two made up and hit it off once again to defeat the firelord with Aang and the gang. 




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