Personal Message
jinyoung_b [A] 54 seconds ago Reply
ryujin: yeah boooooooooooooooooi
[ ihavetheactuallongestusername sent a voice note to ihavethelongestusername: "you're cute" ]



jinyoung_b [A] 54 seconds ago Reply

ryujin: yeah boooooooooooooooooi

strike o meter
scroll down
strikes and reasons
one - reason
two - reason
three - reason


message from the myth, the legend: 
i dance sometimes. i rap sometimes. act a lil, too. singing? done that as well. what's something i can't do, you ask? putting the usb in correctly on the first try.
anyways, enough of the intro. it's nice to meet you. name's ryujin. username's, well, too lazy to write it out. i like to think i'm chill, so come talk to me and prove me right.
shin ryujin
mixnine / jypngg
black is the new black
is this ooc? random notes? idk. 
active in both rooms and walls. ping me if you don't get a reply from me within 3 days. love to plot, down to wing. hmu honestly love everyone.