jeon hyosung
twenty-five years old
Cat café owner
professional cat lady
Hyosung every since being a child always loved animals and her family actually has a pet dog, a friendly Shiba Inu, but some places had their own rules and because she resolved to live alone by Seoul so to look for a opportunity to build her own professional life, she had endure with the lack of company by her cramped up apartment...or at least until she had one amazing idea.
She noticed that even if not a lot, that there were stray animals by the streets, mainly cats and because she again loved animals, which meant that she wasn't able to see them abandoned and because she couldn't take them to her apartment as well, she simply opened a cat café, so that she could take them all in, take care of them and let herself and other people give the pets love while drinking the best coffee she could offer.
personality wise, she can be a little shy at first, when not knowing people, but once comfortable she will let her true self out. She can be quite playful, a tease and joyful.
As some can already imagine, she has a big heart, so not only does she helps animals to have a home within her café, but also to get a new proper owner, but also can help people if she is able to give any of her help. The only negative traits are that she can be a little clumsy and can get a little lost within her thoughts from time to time.


Her beloved hubby
Morbi quis tellus euismod, facilisis felis ac, convallis nisi. Cras non ligula quam. Quisque nec turpis vel risus lacinia molestie. In metus nunc, tempus eu lorem dapibus, sollicitudin vestibulum nulla. Ut porta erat sit amet augue luctus vehicula. Donec ac condimentum sapien, a scelerisque nisl. Suspendisse venenatis justo eget bibendum blandit. Donec mi nibh, varius quis dolor non, tempor tristique lacus. Fusce placerat leo enim, vitae accumsan nisi faucibus quis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Integer sollicitudin turpis vestibulum lacus consequat scelerisque. Nulla finibus metus eget iaculis fermentum. Phasellus dignissim pellentesque ante, vitae venenatis risus commodo a. Fusce vestibulum sapien leo, quis posuere diam dictum in. Nulla ut dictum massa, varius viverra justo. Aliquam sodales vitae velit nec scelerisque. Integer accumsan dolor in arcu ullamcorper maximus. Integer sapien turpis, tempus ac cursus sollicitudin, molestie at urna. Maecenas eu facilisis augue. Aliquam erat dolor, auctor hendrerit pretium a, dictum eget leo.
The feline squad


Hello there, fella!
Don't be afraid to approach, but please don't over use emoticons unless our characters are text messaging if we come to have a plot, Korean slang also becomes cringy when overused and do know that I prefer to use the 3RD pov. When casually talking I might give small replies, but if we do plot, I would prefer if you avoided to one line, because I'll also be out of ideas for us to play with (will give bigger replies by this time, of course), but aside from that, we are cool. Also, know that I tend to copy the style provided.
gmt: +1/0