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ola this is nana! everything you'd need to know is on the right side of this profile. don't be afraid to hmu for plotting! my inbox is almost always open. i'm not much for winging as i'd prefer having a backbone for our rp. i'm also a friendly person, so don't be surprised if i continued the ooc talk! ^^
colors - day6
i need somebody
i wait - day6
like the sun
the world seen through lenses
gracing the world on the 15th of september 1992, jae was born to a family of the lower middle class in argentina. as a child, he'd always loved music, surrounded himself with it, produced it. he'd had a heart for the arts, loved the fact that he could create everything with anything, the fact that he could say anything with only a picture and a few words.

life was a rollercoaster, more on up side, where he gained his intense fear of falling, of failing. it was when he'd become a perfectionist, yet never really expressing it. after graduating from a course that his parents never really did approve of, because they had wanted him to take a reasonable career, where he could be sure to earn money. 

he was constantly compared to his younger siblings, who, in his parents' words, "were much smarter and we're proud to be their parents instead of someone who refused to think about what's best for him." it stung, it really did, the words you're such a useless child always echoing in his mind and ears. 

for a year, he tried to follow what his parents wanted him to do. at the age of 22, he tried to become a doctor.

but he couldn't betray his love for music, his love for creation. so despite his parents' cries and angry yells, he took his first flight to korea, where a friend of his was waiting and got him a job as a music producer and video director. talented and liked because of his personality, his life had stabilized, even when he'd stopped contacting his family.
section : lover
name here
insert here
insert here
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the world behind lenses
at first meet, jae is that one guy who talks too much and talks too fast. he has a lot of opinion about things, be it as random as a fly or as serious as politics - you can expect him to have something to say about it. he may praise himself a bit too much to the point of narcissism, but he isn't as confident as it may seem. he hides behind his glasses, which he wears even though his eyesight isn't that bad anymore. his glasses serve as his comfort zone, his shield against the real world. it helps hide his insecurities, his worries and all the lies he tries not to spill at a breakdown.
section : friends
full name
jaehyung park
date of birth
september 15, 1992
music producer, video director
writing style
multi-para, mirror
preffered pov
detailed third pov
additional info
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