Personal Message

Name: Kim Heechul
Age: 29
Solo or team: Solo
Weapon of choice: up close he has a pair of daggers that he uses as hairpins, far away he prefers the crossbow.
Personality: Both beautiful and dangerous for a male.


Heechul was something of an enigma before the war. a child of war born into it, he spent more time learning how to fight and defend himself than more people his age. As he got older, his face filled out, his body was lean and his hips almost looked like those of a woman. That's how he ended up getting all the things he wanted when he was a teenager, he would go through his older sister's things that his parents hid from everyone after she passed deciding she was going to go all gung ho and join the war effort and he would find the hair pins his sister used when she was younger to teach heechul how to fight, and he would put his hair up with them, he called them his daggers, or this case 'Heemi's' daggers but the reason that he grew out his hair was because he was a beautiful young an, who could also play off as a woman just as well. So he used the alter ego that he had come up with  and find his marks that way. And so far he has succeeded on that front, but it's only so long before someone finds out what his plan has been all feel something good.