Personal Message
Earth, life, love, loyalty, friendship and courage; Simple principles and morals that dictate his days, never seem to stray. In friendship and love, work and play, war and healing, the Alpha stands firmly by his words. He works hard to train younger wolves to hunt, fight, defend themselves, and most importantly, love themselves and have fun. To prepare a child for war is to prepare them for death; instead of discouraging, dissuading or intimidating, he chooses to enlighten, guide and love. By sharing his contagious smiles, overwhelming enthusiasm, boundless energy and unconditional love for his pack, he hopes to keep them close. Time wears on civilization, and all he hopes to accomplish is continuity. The ideals of the Kumori pack have never wavered-- protect, conquer, adapt and expand -- even with the spread of humanity all around them. Though Chanyeol aspires to be the best teacher around, he has yet to learn the ways of the future.
Chanyeol's two loving parents met their unfortunate end in the heat of battle over six years ago. A fully-fledged adult, he was able to support himself and settle into their hut, but... it was hard to live alone. The paths they once walked, the fields they once stalked, the valleys in which they hunted... they all screamed reminders at him. Instead of letting their passing drag him into depression-- instead of grieving, he took over his father's duties. The perimeter watch, being his least favorite task, was where he found his calling. The clouds seemed to speak to him; they told him, raise your pack like your fathers raised you. He was sad for what was only a matter of weeks before he found a new sense of motivation that made the sad reminders into happy reinforcement. By transforming loss into growth, by following Earth's greatest cycle, he went on living, sharing his wisdom with those around him. 
My heels dug deep into the damp soil as I was shoved back by a storming alpha in wolf form. I skidded backward a yard, then crossed both arms over my face and neck to ward off his attempted attack. His elongated canines sunk into the thick muscle in my forearm, and he clamped down to latch his jaw tightly onto me. It hurt. A lot. I growled and fell forward when his paws struck against the earth to pull downward on my arm. I punched his head and neck several times before he released his grip, but even then he snapped rabidly at me. He was a true rogue, far from the pack for too long. He was also visibly rabid-- erratic breahting, foaming mouth and oozing sore on his left haunch. I thought quickly and shifted into my own wolf form, which was far larger than his; the shift was painful and grotesque, the popping and crackling of bones and joints doing their thing-- and I hardly had time to recover. I shook vigorously, with fortunate timing, and his futile attempt to latch onto my neck was aborted. With a swift off the ground, I launched at him and opened my jaws wide to latch onto his throat. With the inertia I racked up before the leap, I broke his neck on impact and fell to the soil with the limp wolf below me.  
Basics, first! I prefer third POV and rooms, since points and all! I'm pretty bad at first, but if you want to use first, I'll be happy to try! I could always use practice, after all. Anyhow, I'm a college drop-out who works at McDoandl's; my body is suffering, as well as my music career. My hands hurt from the carpal tunnel, and so my $2000 flute is just... sitting. Writing and roelplaying is also pretty hard, but it's fulfilling, so I get over it. I'm GMT-7, but I'm usually most active from 1 or 2 a.m to 6 or 7 a.m. I close every night so I get really, really sleepy. Please PLEASE p o k e me. <3