Personal Message


Name: Bou
Age: Unknown
Job: Head of a mafia, market leader in the arms industry

Height: 146cm
Weight: 39kg
Style: Lolita-style dresses, light make-up and perfect hair

ABOUT | Warning. This is a very trigger-happy character. No worries, you won't die... might get shot if you don't dodge though. No OOC warnings are given, so piss off Bou at your own risk.

PERSONALITY | Bou is a spoilt, selfish brat with the brain of a chicken. He is extremely terrified of women, very (very) proud and hates tall people. If Bou doesn't get what he wants, call an ambulance because someone is getting hurt. He doesn't cry. He doesn't giggle. He doesn't blush. This is Bou, your favourite badass mini mafia princess. P.S. He loves to , but you better not rip his clothes of. He loves those more than your .