
graduated over a year ago, kim taehyung is your average college graduate. broke and caught with loans. it wasn't much a of choice for him to choose college or not. it simply felt like right. everyone else was doing it and why shouldn't he? while there is claims of taehyung being a follower, he refutes it just as easily as the claims come. it's a slight bit ironic that the 'follower' would be the one to be followed on instagram. at least that's more for the future if anything. for now, it's just the process. for now, something has to pay the bills and his looks aren't doing the job just yet. which is why he had settled with the whole camp counselling gig.

he hates it, mind you.

of course, it's not the kids fault. or the managers. or the one who bloody made the camp. he just thinks he's worth a lot more than that. babysitting a bunch of whiny, snot-nosed brats isn't what he likes to call the hot job that everyone wants. frankly, he doesn't even know why he still has the job. he leaves the kids unattended. tells them to play with dangerous stuff. curses like a sailor and overall acts like he has something better to do than this. he doesn't. sometimes, he thinks the camp manager actually just can't hire anyone else. that would make more sense. the kids love him too. so add that in and that makes a great counselor apparently.

though-- if there was something to thank about those brats, it would be self-love they grew in him. maybe it blew his ego to an insane level. compliments about his appearance and personality from the campers to the regulars that come and go on the streets; boosted his ego. sure, he knew he was good-looking- a blind bat can see that but this time is different. it's an entirely different change.people actually like him. people want to be around him. he's likeable. he can use this. he likes this. he wants this. he's going to get this. modelling should be something that comes to him easily anyways. right?


about / history

a bit of a clutz. superficial. hoarder. gold digger. many of those words can capture kim taehyung's personality but there's no word that can describe it all. a snarky man with an ego of a manic. believes in beauty over brains. money makes the world go 'round logic. he refuse to take the blame for his ego, it's the compliments and admiration he recieves. though, he's actually quite intelligent with an early childhood education degree and actually hoping to get masters as soon as some of his debt is repaid. he enjotys to flaunt the stuff he doesn't own or have. prefers to have his wants solved first before his needs.



Title [ rating ]

Nam risus quam, dictum non sapien quis, tincidunt lobortis massa. Morbi viverra venenatis placerat. Donec eu nulla eget sapien scelerisque suscipit. Nullam nec justo ac ligula interdum aliquam id et diam. Aenean blandit magna eget nibh consequat, ac dapibus leo vestibulum. Proin efficitur ligula et laoreet faucibus. Donec nec tortor ultricies, hendrerit dui a, dapibus felis. Praesent tempor laoreet tortor, scelerisque ullamcorper dui accumsan ut. Nunc turpis justo, condimentum id urna nec, cursus pharetra orci.

+ status, genre, etc.

Title [ rating ]

Ut elementum facilisis libero. Vivamus sed turpis aliquam, gravida purus ac, dignissim enim. Aliquam purus purus, aliquet et neque ac, consectetur mollis mi. Nulla tempus ullamcorper lacus ac aliquam. Quisque sed nibh eget metus imperdiet facilisis at eget ipsum. Quisque interdum non tellus fringilla volutpat. Maecenas nec libero non libero semper laoreet et ut eros. Donec iaculis, est ac consectetur luctus, diam quam efficitur tellus, at accumsan leo neque at ex. Nulla aliquet dolor finibus mauris finibus porta.

+ status, genre, etc.

Title [ rating ]

Vivamus eget ultricies justo. Praesent pellentesque mauris sit amet est placerat, quis suscipit orci laoreet. Cras et tellus sit amet justo ullamcorper semper nec et quam. Etiam rutrum enim eu congue malesuada. Quisque malesuada diam ut ipsum fermentum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus odio quam, faucibus at sodales ac, accumsan sit amet sapien.

+ status, genre, etc.



01 Maecenas in libero nisl.

02 Fusce id pharetra ante. Nam placerat augue lacus, mattis tristique diam mollis non.

03 Ut semper porta egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras vel arcu eget est dapibus efficitur eu ac tortor. In id ornare neque. Nulla facilisi.

04 In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

05 Integer a metus non neque cursus molestie. Pellentesque eu felis nec justo consectetur egestas vel maximus sapien. Praesent pellentesque risus sed faucibus lobortis.

06 Nunc suscipit lacinia fringilla. Nullam urna ipsum, rutrum vitae pretium et, interdum faucibus eros.

07 Etiam dignissim nec purus suscipit vehicula.


out of character


basic trivia

date of birth

30 dec 1995

age 22


camp counselor









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