Personal Message
Bae Joohyun
Bae Joohyun
"souple's cuddle queen by day, #1 hoe by night"
Uhm... Hello~ I have plenty of names... Baejoo, Baerene, Irene, Joohyun, Shookrene, etc. Or pretty well anything else you can think to call me. Well, I'm the fake maknae of RV. I enjoy plenty of cuddles, hence cuddle queen by day, and well, I'm a 100% hoe at night. Want a little lovin? Come see me and I'll give you what you need~ 
her other half
Cras odio enim, tincidunt et ligula in, tincidunt dignissim eros. Curabitur nisl lorem, maximus nec urna sit amet, ullamcorper commodo ante. Mauris ullamcorper magna ligula, eget egestas justo pellentesque non. Cras mattis ac augue eu pulvinar. Donec fringilla, nulla at semper convallis, tellus turpis suscipit eros, in vestibulum eros leo vitae nisl.
Curabitur placerat metus nisi, sit amet malesuada odio consequat in. Proin massa magna, commodo nec lorem nec, aliquet placerat sem. Pellentesque quis erat eget tellus viverra feugiat a eu elit. Fusce eu tincidunt diam. Cras consequat eu justo id gravida. Nam eu nulla a neque sagittis elementum ac non est.
Precious People

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moon goddess11:23:46 PMReply
joohyun is bae material— love her while supply last

bang minah6:13:49 PMReply
Two peas in a pod
The bang bae's-