Personal Message
background; do not touch


ID Number: HJY850809

Full name: put that here

Villain Rank: put that here

Position: Counselor @ Sinister Academy

Dorm Number: N/A

Bux: 500฿



Real Name: Hong jin Young
Date of birth: August 9th, 1985
Occupation: Counselor
Relationship status: Unknown


01 Time Zone: GMT+1

02 Activity Level: I'm usually on so long as I'm not passed out or at work

03 Prefered POV: 3rd, but can do either

04 Can write anything from semi-para to novella, depens on what is needed

05 Please poke me if I have not responded within
24 hours. I don't want to forget anyone

06 I'm up for plotting or winging it

07 Hit me up in a PM

out of character

Even as a kid Jinyoung realized that something was wrong about the world. It wasn’t necessarily the public’s fault, but out there was a huge ocean of information ready for harvesting and people just added to it freely. Watching he behavior throughout her growing years, she developed a level of paranoia due to how much about her already was out there due to her parents. At fourteen, the young Jinyoung ran away from her family and old life, deciding that her information was hers to control. Using her spare time in Internet cafes across the country under different aliases, the young girl learned how to access all the data floating out there, ready for the taking. And with it, she learned how to erase herself. Jinyoung’s past disappeared, turning into a blank canvas for her to paint her own story. She became ordinary on the surface, a boring mid-twenties lady who went to work, came back home and slept. There was nothing about her for people to take advantage of.

But with all that newfound knowledge; with the world’s information at her fingertips, Jinyoung saw herself fit to change the way the world was run. It would take time and it would be dirty, but how else would she right the status quo? Silhouette emerged from that blank canvas, ready to start her empire of information.

history / bio

Highly intelligent and dangerously seductive.
Jinyoung is a self-reliant woman of secrecy, hiding her real life behind a mask. She is deceptive and highly skilled within the fields of psychology and information gathering. Within her head is a database of every person she’s ever come across, secrets and all. And with this database she keeps herself alive, bribing or threatening those standing in her way.



Due to Jinyoung’s paranoia, she struggles with fully bonding with anyone, be they from her past or a new face. Everyone is a threat. After all, it was this very mindset that had managed to keep her alive and out of the hands of anyone wishing to harm her. To win her trust is not just winning her over, it’s rewriting the very base-coding of her existence. To win her love, you’ll have to do the impossible.


title Sed eu mi sed sem dictum porta. Nullam nec tellus nunc. Sed finibus, dolor eu sagittis pretium, lectus magna rutrum purus, ut maximus nisl quam vel dolor. Morbi elementum lorem purus, non mattis sem posuere nec. / status, rating, etc.

title Nunc malesuada iaculis dapibus. Proin vitae sem eu metus auctor bibendum quis non ligula. Mauris id risus id ante elementum pretium. Nullam gravida facilisis porttitor. Nulla at felis sapien. Vivamus euismod sollicitudin quam. Maecenas suscipit fringilla vehicula. / status, rating, etc.

title Praesent tincidunt purus sed nisi ultricies, in gravida purus venenatis. Pellentesque nunc tellus, laoreet eu tristique non, pretium sed sapien. Duis pellentesque hendrerit ligula non varius. Morbi in velit ac leo condimentum rutrum. Morbi ex quam, venenatis ut lobortis a, sagittis non eros. / status, rating, etc.

title Donec accumsan massa metus, vitae vestibulum mauris venenatis sed. Ut sed accumsan massa. Integer venenatis euismod commodo. / status, rating, etc.

title Quisque quis imperdiet ante. In neque nulla, tristique sit amet sapien vel, pretium feugiat sapien. Ut viverra tempor neque. Sed auctor turpis ut diam mattis suscipit. Phasellus dignissim metus et erat consectetur cursus id a lorem. / status, rating, etc.
