Personal Message
name: chen linong.
year: 2nd.
credits: 150.




full name


chen linong.
date of birth


october 3rd. (16 y.o)




bakery worker


gmt -5




played by bacteria
section : background


linong was born as two things: sick and a lover of sweets. his mother, a baker, was the only person to raise linong. it was rather hard when you were the owner of a small bakery in an even smaller town in taiwan, especially when having to take care of someone as sick prone as linong. but his mother managed. growing up, linong had always been quick to catch a lot of colds and sicknesses, and while he has improved his health today, you’ll occasionally see him wearing a mask to prevent spreading or receiving any illnesses.

growing up, linong always stood by his mother when she was at the bakery. he, like his mother, had quickly gained a love for sweets and baking, following in her stead. he had learned all types of recipes from her and often helped her out back at the bakery. many of the bakery’s customers often came back simply to see the bright smile on linong’s face every time he handed them one of their goods. or even to see the boy, who was 8 at the time of first starting, baking from the glimpse of the kitchen window.

when linong was about 13 years old, his mother got an offering to bake for a larger restaurant franchise in korea. the price they would pay her was too good of an opportunity to pass up, so she had to say yes. while linong was sad to have closed down the bakery, he understood it. the two moved to korea and he started to attend school there. in the summer, just before sophomore year, however, linong’s mother had gained enough money to restart her bakery, and linong often works there today.

section : personality


linong is likely going to be one of the happiest boys you will ever meet. he always has a smile on his face and is always willing to talk to anyone and everyone. he doesn’t usually judge a book by its cover and rather looks at what they say. he’s quite a smart and analytical kind of boy. he doesn’t say much at first, but there are times where he can be quite outspoken. he’s a supportive friend and rather caring, but he’ll also have a little bit of an attitude depending on his mood.

section : trivia


bloodtype: A
Height: 180cm
nicknames: nongnong, sunshine, baby, nongers, nongs.
random trivia.
— super duper sick prone. it’s gotten better now, but he’s still super sickly sometimes.
— is actually quite strong. he can do multiple push-ups on two fingers. big bags of flour, you know?
— he has the largest smile ever.
— he has the worst eyesight ever. he can just barely see the largest letter of eyesight tests.
— he’s a pacifist. are you surprised?
— when he gets angry, he usually just crosses his arms and doesn’t say anything. it’s quite cute until he starts hitting the things about you that actually hurts.

section : plots


coming soon

section : lover


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